Festivales ATP (All Tomorrow's Parties)

  • @Dan:

    ¿Has podido Dave?

    Bruce, Juanes, Guilen y yo estamos IN.

    Mierda se han acabado casi todos los earlybid tickets!!! Tengo que convencer a amigos todav'ia!! Habeis pillado un alojamiento de 4?

  • Yes, un apartamento de 4, por 760 pounds, la gracia del tema es que en la primera intentona me he equivocado poniendo un signo de exclamación en el post code y me ha dado denegado, la segunda bien, ha entrado bien, y los muy pillos de Gigantic me han cobrado 2!

    Tronco, te pasa esto con una entrada de mierda y vale pero no, me tiene que pasar con una puta entrada de 800 pavos!

    Oye no se como va el tema pero donde caben 4 caben 5, y hay coche desde Londres, ojo.

  • No te preocupes Dave, que esto se arregla rapido via ATP insiders

  • xDD gracias, estoy montando un equipo de piezas sueltas que tengo por ahi a ver que tal.

    Por cierto alguien ha estado antes en el nuevo/viejo recinto (Camber Sands)?

  • shannon wright: primera autoconfirmacion via facebook para el atp de shellac!


    All Tomorrow's Parties in England is being curated by Shellac in December 2012. They're celebrating their 20th anniversary, and invited me to join in! Very honored. It will be held in the original venue where ATP originated. My favorite one. If anyone was at the 2002 ATP Pontins Camber Sands in Somerset UK, than you remember how great it was.

    y ya de paso comentar tambien que todd cook (shipping news/the for carnation/slint) esta colaborando con ella en la grabacion de su nuevo disco.

  • Chavales nos ofrecen una reserva de un chalet de 4 o 6 personas adelantando 320£ o 480£ y el resto se paga a final de septiembre. Somos 3 de momento, limpios, aseados y bastante viciosos en todos los sentidos. Uno de nosotros ronca como un morlaco pero si duerme lo hará en la bañera. Interesados mandad privado.

    Grasias de antebrazo.

    Buen foro!

  • eso es un concurso de acreedores?

  • @koan:2dr525ch:

    eso es un concurso de acreedores?

    Si, hoy haran un comunicado oficial explicando la situación.

  • Madre mia, a Barry le ha mirado un tuerto macho.

  • a ver chavales, que no cunda el pánico.

    un par de mensajes oficiales ayer en su facebook:


    To address the rumours some of you may have seen; there are some changes currently happening with the company, but none of the currently scheduled events or future events will be affected.


    To reaffirm, there's nothing to panic or worry about, all future shows are definitely going ahead, more info to follow.

    veremos que nos depara el día de hoy. de todas maneras, in barry we trust! o no?

  • ¿que pasa con el ATP? ¿se va a pique o aún podemos hacer el ganso pensando en que Shellac nos organiza un Festival? es que ando muy perdido de todo…..

  • Anunciarán los cambios en la empresa en los próximos días, meanwhile, como dicen ellos, puedes comrpar ahora las entradas del show de Band Of Horses.

    Todo para que luego esté toda la chusta de Hackney cargadísimos organizando reventa.

  • no sé como acabará la película pero de momento estas son las últimas novedades y todo apunta a que para nosotros los cambios serán transparentes. yuhu!


    Friday July 13, 2012

    Statement Regarding Changes Within ATP:

    We have now completed a restructuring of the business of ATP Concerts Limited. This involved the Voluntary Liquidation of ATP Concerts Limited and transfer of its assets (including the rights to the All Tomorrow's Parties festival, label, and shows) to a new company called Willwal Limited. We will also be dividing the business into three different companies; ATP Festivals, ATP Recordings and ATP Shows.

    The team however, remain the same, having been transferred over to Willwal Limited - and the festival is still called All Tomorrow's Parties. All future events will continue as scheduled on the dates advertised and all tickets for those events are still valid.

    ATP remains unwaveringly committed to hosting world class events. Since our inception it has been our mission to provide quality concerts for discerning music lovers around the world - our number one priority has always been the bands and the fans and we work hard, sometimes under difficult circumstances, to achieve the highest standards possible. It is a tough climate out there, but this restructuring will ensure that ATP is around for many more years to come. We thank the fans who have stood by us over the years and especially during this recent time of reorganisation.

    Other news we are announcing today is that the U.S. event on September 21 - 23 is to be moved from Asbury Park, New Jersey to Manhattan, New York. This is due to logistical reasons and a full press release regarding the move will be posted here. Anyone unable to attend due to this change will be able to request a full refund.

    We have many exciting developments and opportunities available to us that will be announced over the coming months. We will be continuing the work we have done over the past 13 years and would like to thank everyone for their kind support over the past week - we apologise that this statement has taken longer than anticipated to be released (due to needing certain legal clearances) - we thank you again for your patience and apologise for any unnecessary worry caused.

    On Monday we will announce the first bands for this December's Nightmare Before Christmas festival curated by Shellac.

    Yours sincerely,

    Barry Hogan


    Event Relocated to New York City - On Sale Now!
    21 Sep 2012 to 23 Sep 2012, Pier 36, Manhattan, NYC


  • Primeros nombres para el ATP de Shellac:

    THE EX + BRASS UNBOUND (Mats Gustafsson/Ken Vandermark/Roy Paci/Wolter Wierbos)

    http://www.atpfestival.com/events/shell ... 161400.php

  • el atp de shellac empieza pareciéndose al que montaron hace diez años y eso es una excelente noticia!

  • Anda Barry sal a bailar
    que Albini toca en tu festival
    tu cuerpo se mueve con los Shellac Shellac
    tu cuerpo se mueve con los Shellac Shellac

    (allí estaremos dando palmas)

  • ole mr spock, ya tenemos comandante para la nave.


    ATP will be announcing the next set of additions for the Nightmare Before Christmas festival curated by Shellac on Thursday 16th August. That day following the announcement, we will be hosting a Shellac themed night at Mason & Taylors, Bethnal Green Road, London. It promises DJ sets from Andrew Hung (Fuck Buttons), Rough Trade DJs, ATP's Barry Hogan amongst others; they'll be playing music from the bands performing at the festival and much more. Entry is free (no need to book in advance, just come along on the night).

    This is a chance for you ATP attendees to get together and more importantly if you are looking to find enough people to buy one of the few remaining 4 or 6 berth apartments, come along, give us your details on the night and we'll try to pair you with some other possible ATP attendees. Alternatively you can come along on the night and pay by cheque or cash for a chalet with no booking fee (saving £40-£50+ on the apartment). Please note this may depend on availability on the night - at this point 4 berths are almost sold out.

    To celebrate Shellac's preference for Vinyl, we're also asking attendees to bring in their old singles and LPs on vinyl, which they'll be able to trade with others and pick up something new.

    The night runs from 7pm-midnight and you can find the venue at 51-55 Bethnal Green Road E1. More info on the venue at their website.

    We hope to see you there!


  • kevin shields aka god + los gospi + swans… mmmaaauuuuuuuuu!!

  • Ya joder, Melbourne.