Filtraciones '09

  • Emeralds - "The Overlook" Tour CS

    por cierto ya esta la re-edición del "Allegory Of Allergies" en un doble LP >>

    Mark Kozelek - Find Me, Ruben Olivares: Live in Spain


    Find Me, Ruben Olivares: Live in Spain is the first of two new live albums released in spring 2009 by Mark Kozelek. Find Me, Ruben Olivares was made available starting from April 1, 2009, available as a free gift with any order of a CD, t-shirt or vinyl purchased from Caldo Verde Records’ website, much like 2008’s giveaway CD 7 Songs Belfast. The limited edition album was recorded live at Lata de Bombillas in Zaragoza on November 28, 2008, and at Be Cool in Barcelona on November 29, 2008.

  • y el nuevo proyecto de Omar con peña de Hella, Z. hill…

    Cryptomnesia [2009]

  • El nuevo de Steve Von Till de Neurosis, el 2º como Harvestman

    Harvestman - In A Dark Tongue (2009)

  • Buenas a todos:

    U.S. Girls - Me and Yoko 7″ [Not Not Fun, 2009]


    There’s no disputing the truth that certain formats befit certain artists. Think about it: where’s the logic in Tangerine Dream rocking a 3-way split 3” CDR? Those fools need room to roam. Conversely, why would Orthrelm drop a 4xLP? Who needs 160 minutes of 8-second spazz songs? The medium is a message, man. And for Megan Remy’s brief, brave re-imaginings of guitar/voice pop rapture done under the U.S. Girls flag, the 45 RPM 7 inch single is the absolute dream medium for transporting said sounds to the interested earhole. Short and sweet (and chemical) like a sugar rush, Me + Yoko is her latest reverb-gaze drug nugget in a string of strong singles (following releases on Hardscrabble Amateurs and Cherry Burger), and it’s another keeper. Whistling to life with a scrap of found sound/dialogue, the song then wings into a vague, hazed-out stone-toss between 2 tired notes (a dead ringer for that famous Les Rallizes Denudes bass riff), ebbing and flowing beneath smeary streaks of white-washed vocal blur. A Top 40 single for a universe of ghosts. The B, “Rise + Go,” might actually be the more aching of the two, a broke-down bedroom ballad, awash in sad seas of reverb, lapping at the shores of isolated islands, gently sailing into heartbreak. Sounds lo-fi but lush, like it was recorded high on a cloud on a cheap 80s boombox. Imagine that. Black vinyl 45 RPM singles, mastered by Pete Swanson, in photocopied sleeves with art by Remy. Edition of 380.

  • @Pekh:19250ou2:

    Un disco de una de esas cantautoras folk que tocó el año pasado en el End of the Road. Creo que al Kio le mola:

    Devon Sproule - I Don't Hurry for Heaven

    En efecto Pekh, muchas muchas gracias por esta filtración. A ver si a esta tia se le tiene más en cuenta por estos lares, porque en el EOTR, que la ví por casualidad, se marcó un señor concierto.

    La nueva filtración del Conor está en mejor resolución que la primera que se filtró Kanchelskis? la otra es de 128…


  • @Pelukini:2877yup1:

    y el nuevo proyecto de Omar con peña de Hella, Z. hill…

    Cryptomnesia [2009]


    qué gordo

  • 2 cosillas

    The Kingsbury Manx - Ascenseur Ouvert!

    Peter Broderick - Ten Duets (2009)


    Ok, so only 300 of these babies were made, of which we have exactly 150. They won't last very long and, no, we won't ever get any more copies so please dont email us to ask! The release itself is another seemingly effortless bundle of loveliness from the super-young, super-talented Mr Broderick, displaying his skills across 10 tracks clocking in at a total of 35 minutes, each one doing exactly what it says on the tin with a 'duet' between two instruments. The opening track features piano and toy piano and is the sort of things that so many musicians we can think of would tear their right arm off to produce, and yet here it is tucked away in a super obscure limited edition pressing on cassette. That's what we love about what we do, and why its so much fun operating under the radar - snooze and you lose. Anyway, onto the next track and an incredible tussle between a 'Travel guitar' and 'Thunder machine', a perfect blend of the kind of immense, submerged drones last heard on Richard Harrison's awesome 'Drone Hill', and distilled guitar strumming that would make Ry Cooder blush. Ok, it's a lazy comparison, but the track is anything but and is truly a thing of some considerable magnificence and wonder. And so the tracks continue, each one out-doing the last, and then the whole thing just ends and you remember that you have to do things like rewind and ffwd to find the tracks you want to hear again because its all on lovely warm analogue tape. Oh, and it comes with a little photocopied note from Mr Broderick himself, and a foldout inlay with a little picture for each track so you can see what the instruments look like. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant stuff - run like the wind if you want one.

  • Muchas gracias a todos por la buena mierda que habéis desplegado estos días. Le tengo ganas al de Edie Sedgwick, que ha estado girando por USA con Medications hace na. Gracias por el curro anónimo. El de Emeralds me da error al descomprimir, me lo estoy bajando de nuevo por si acaso, a ver si ahora funciona, le ha ocurrido a alguien más? A ver lo de Omar que tal está, puede ser una mierda grandiosa o una grandiosa mierda, veremos.

    A ver ahora si empiezan a caer grandes discos esperados por mi, a saber:

    Ducktails - st (NNF)
    Real Estate - TBA (Woodsist)
    Meth Teeth - TBA (Woodsist)
    Pterodactyl - World Wild (Jagjaguwar)
    Sunset Rubdown - Dragonslayer (Jagjaguwar)
    Blank Dogs - Under and Under (In The Red)

    y alguno más que ahora olvido seguro.

    edit: me sigue dando error el de emeralds, algún otro link, por favor?

  • @Pelukini:2gyfv4g4:

    y el nuevo proyecto de Omar con peña de Hella, Z. hill…

    Cryptomnesia [2009]

    gracias! a ver qué tal la incontinencia de este hombre

  • @Zackchill:2rc4k6c6:

    edit: me sigue dando error el de emeralds, algún otro link, por favor?

    Aquí va un re-up del Overlook de Emeralds:

    Gracias por el de Peter Broderick y un aplauso para él, 365 días y toca en Madrid el mismo día que Andrew Bird.

  • Mil gracias º

  • sí, gracias por las filtraciones, a ver lo nuevo de Omar, este tío no para.

    Zackhill te he leído Medications y se me ha erizado todo el vello, llevo esperando 3 años la continuación del Your favourite people all in one place, muy grandes.

  • Del sello In The Red viene este disco

    Intelligence - Fake Surfers


    Fake Surfers", the fourth album by Seattle's prolific and sacred Intelligence, is destined to change your whole outlook on "pop" music. As with 2007's "Deuteronomy", The Intelligence has employed In The Red house producer Mike McHugh at the Distillery to hone their edge to its sharpest yet. The possibility of an industrial/pop music crossover seems as unlikely as a black metal/country conglomeration, but on this new album, The Intelligence introduces a whole new spectrum of sonic awareness cleverly buried under little piles of dirt, with glimmering specks of brilliance poking through.

    Lars Finberg, who performs here as The Intelligence, makes experimental post-punk rock weighted down by paranoia. As the bolts-and-bolts drummer of A-Frames, he builds songs off goose-stepping beats and coded lyrics. The Intelligence can't help but swing a little, however - the singing hints at emotion, as stilted phrasing sometimes becomes a howl. It never breaks a sweat, but these songs are like pop that has been wiretapped, shocked, and muzzled, whereas the A-Frames are a robot's guess at how rock music sounds.

    The Intelligence has faint whiffs of Swell Maps, Tronics, and Wire's Chairs Missing, though Fake Surfers is more relaxed and evenly paced than any previous releases. The sole cover on the album, "Pony People" by LA's Wounded Lion, has been stripped down to an acoustic pop ditty. This is by far the best Intelligence release yet… until the next one.

  • @-Toxinho-:1sbg5zmk:

    Del sello In The Red viene este disco

    Intelligence - Fake Surfers

    joder, entre tú y Pelukini menudo lunes, gracias! el "Deuteronomy" es un muy buen disco, a ver si puntúan más alto (o, por lo menos, sigue la racha)

  • grande toxinho! y gran firma por cierto.

    dan, los señores ocampo y motler nos tienen en ascuas desde hace bastante tiempo, supuestamente trabajando en un nuevo disco desde 2007, perdieron a su batería, pero han pillado a uno nuevo, ya que como digo han girado en marzo por USA. A ver si se concreta lo del disco y se vienen por aquí de tour, que hay ganas, joder.

  • Todos los enlaces que encuentro del de Dirty Projectors están petados. ¿Alguien ofrece alternativas? Gracias

  • Muchas gracias por el enlace, por la rapidez, y por el sentido del humor etiquetando el .zip

  • de nada y de nada, el 3 no que el link no es mio

  • me uno a las gratificaciones!
    Gracias por Emeralds y por el del nuevo grupo de Omar.

    Por cierto, nada mal el de Omar! Muy Mars Volta pero era de esperar ya que por eso se llaman el Nuevo grupo de… y no un nombre que unifique a todos los participantes, cosa que también hace pensar que será un grupo fugaz.