Filtraciones '09

  • Aunque sea tarde y ya lo haya hecho Pelukini, dejo el elnace del de Teeth Mountain

  • Aloud ya ha puesto el disco de Two Dead Cats, La curiosidad mató al gato, en su página de descargaas

    de paso recuerdo que este viernes estarán en la [2] junto a Icebend y Denegro Partizan


    Definirlos no es muy difícil. Son una banda de rock con melodías que coquetean con el pop, pero interpretadas y tocadas con el espíritu y la fuerza del hardcore. Al frente destaca Gemma, un torbellino de voz potente y con una presencia escénica que quita el hipo. La arropan una sección rítmica endiablada y muy bailable, y unas guitarras afiladas al más puro estilo 70´s, crujientes y agresivas.

    Tienen canciones memorables. Algunas en inglés, como “No party city”, “Gent del pal” o “Girl like you”. Otras son en castellano, “The Cojin” o “Chico remolacha”, idioma hacia el que parecen encarar su futuro.

  • Nate Young - Regression


    Detroit based Nate Young formed Wolf Eyes as a solo project a bit over ten years ago, probably right after he left Nautical Almenac. He was soon joined by Aaron Dilloway in '98 and John Olson in 2000. Dilloway dissapeared to Nepal and was replaced by Hair Police beast Mike Connely.

    Enough of the Wolf Eyes history lesson, we are now at 2009 and Young is releasing one of his strongest works ever, the deep and impressive Regression solo album on iDEAL! Analog synths, tape delays, loops - presented in a restrained, relaxed and controlled way. This makes the music even more sick and dark than the WE sound. I guess Young was inspired by vintage horror movie soundtracks, 70's ambient synth stuff and intoxication. These things comes to my mind anyways. Nate Young is here proving that he is covering a wide range of experimental music and that he is no doubt one of the few masterminds in the rougher parts of electronic music. iDEAL is highly recommending this to anyone claiming to be interested in synth and tape music. All right.

  • Bien por el de Ducktails, ya sabía yo que hoy estaba tardando en entrar por aquí

  • Muchas gracias por el de Teeth Mountain y el de Ducktails tanto a toxiños como a pelukis.

    que bonito es el de ducktails, contiene varios temas ya incluidos en anteriores ediciones pero seguro que está cojonudo, masterizado, por cierto, por Graham Lambkin de The Shadow Ring. A ver si nos podemos hacer con él la semana que viene.

  • Las canciones de Fameliars suenan mejor en directo que en disco, pero sin piano en el escenario no tocan. Cuando no haya unos hermanos Kadane a las cinco de la tarde, los hermanos Torres cuidarán bien el escenario.

    Espero que os guste.

  • tremendo el de ducktails, copón!
    a ver en directo qué tal esos vinilamens

  • ADAM LIPMAN - From Your Mouth To God's Ears 2009.

    Another fine American songwriter in the lo-fi tradition, Adam Lipman's music recalls I See A Darkness-era Bonnie 'Prince' Billy and Mount Eerie in its plaintive, maudlin execution. From Your Mouth To God's Ear reveals a sensitive and eloquent up-and-comer in alternative Americana. "A concept album that feasts on its own allusions, Adam Lipman's From Your Mouth to God's Ears was recorded in a house in Salt Lake City, Utah, under the shadow of the Mormon Temple. The recording session had two sides to the battle: those who had left the church, and those who had remained a part of the church. Lipman was in the middle of it all; wrestling with the warring factions of belief, compelling them to yield to the songs above all else, as he himself wrestled with God to gain his royal life, demanding the differences to be set aside for the recording session, submitting to nothing but songcraft and his unwavering totalitarian ego. The lyrics reference French director Maurice Pialat's masterpiece, A Nos Amours, Chaucer's The Epic Dandelion, and the sickeningly familiar elements of the common neurotic's daily life. The music, tailored with patience and diligence, sounds both harshly anachronistic and thoroughly, unrelentingly modern. A traditional assortment of organ, piano, drums, guitar, and bass belies the rather unconventional tone and structure of these songs.

  • Ducktails sí!

    A por él!

  • cuando saco mis cassettes salen droneros por todas partes

  • mu ricos!

  • @Pelukini:2v8nj958:

    Eels - My Timing Is Off [CDS, 2009] single

    Vaya dos temazos, que ganas de ver esto por aquí, debe estar a puntitoooorl….por cierto, pedazo titulo!

  • Sunn O))) - Monoliths & Dimensions [Southern Lord Recordings, 2009]


    SUNN O))) is proud to present their 7th studio album, after 10 years of existence, entitled Monoliths & Dimensions. The album showcases the core guitar duo - Stephen O’Malley and Greg Anderson - incorporating influences from a plethora of guest musicians, bringing the SUNN O))) sound to epic new levels. The band also collaborated with composer Eyvind Kang (notable for his work with John Zorn, Marc Ribot, Bill Frisell, etc.) on various acoustic ensembles, in addition to the Helios fueled electric guitars and basses. Key players on the album include Australian guitar genius Oren Ambarchi, enigmatic Hungarian vocalist Attila Csihar (Mayhem, Tormentor, etc.) and slow music godfather Dylan Carlson (Earth), as well as a brass section: Steve Moore (of Earth), Julian Priester (worked with Sun Ra in the 50s, John Coltrane’s African Brass band, and Herbie Hancock’s Sextant band) and new-music horn player Stuart Dempster. There’s also an upright bass trio, French & English horns, harp & flute duo, piano, reed & strings ensembles, and a Viennese woman’s choir led by Persian vocal savant Jessika Kenney.

    The album is not “SUNN O))) with strings” or “metal meets orchestra” material. The band took an approach concentrating on more of allusion toward the timbre of feedback and the instruments involved, so the piece is really illusory, beautiful and not entirely linear, stating that the end product is “the most musical piece we’ve done, and also the heaviest, powerful and most abstract set of chords we’ve laid to tape” The album was recorded and mixed by Randall Dunn & Mell Dettmer at various points over the last 2 years, and will be released:

    -May 18th Uk and Europe
    -May 26th North America
    -TBA= Australasia

  • Alguien estaba esperando que saliese una versión decente de este disco antes de escucharla

    Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (320)

    De paso dejo esto también.

    Niobe - Blackbird's Echo

    Animal Collective - Animal Crack Box

  • eRROR

  • A la espera del nuevo disco de The Mars Volta dejo por aquí la canción que abre Octahedron, en un principio previsto para el 22 de junio.

    "Since We've Been Wrong"

  • former ghosts

    former ghosts son un grupo que han montado zola jesus, jamie stewart de xiu xiu y un tal freddy ruppert, son cuatro canciones nada mas, pero se ve que estan preparando un disco

    dejo el myspace que estan tres de las cuatro temas

  • Machinefabriek - Shuffle

  • El de Phoenix en versión buena. En la anterior aparte de estar sin masterizar hay cambios en algunos arreglos, duración de los temas…

  • NIOBE!!! Qué buena!! No os podéis imaginar lo enganchado que me ha tenido esta tipa durante mucho tiempo. Y lo de AC, exactamente, ¿qué es?

    Toxi, you are my hero!