Filtraciones '09

  • Dolphins Into The Future - …On Sea-Faring Isolation [Not Not Fun, 2009]


    A casual interweb cruiser could be forgiven for confusing Dolphins Into The Future the “band” (aka the one-man tape-loop blue-age ambient project executed by Belgian Cetacean Nation ambassador Lieven Martens) with Dolphins Into The Future the book (written by dimensional traveler Joan Ocean concerning her 20-year-long real life spirit quest to commune with a school of 200 wild Hawaiian Spinner dolphins). And, to be fair, they’re a LOT alike. Both deal heavily in trippy, drifting logics, vibrational holograms, and an overdose of psychedelic pastel artwork. But Ms. Ocean’s books are out of print so instead we have …On Sea-Faring Isolation, Mr. Dolphin Martens’ vinyl debut under the DITF banner, after a 2-year string of increasingly blissed tapes and CDRs. Composed of three interwoven pieces per side, Isolation is one of those baffling magic eye LPs that seems to dissolve yr memory of it during the very act of listening. Turquoise webs of billowing synth smoke curl and dissipate into grey horizons of open sea field recordings. The wooden mast of a ship creaks quietly while astral bells toll away in morning fog. You are alone. This record could make a sailor homesick, and Joan Ocean weep. Beautifully composed and sequenced, with just the right amount of wobbly porpoise sonar prisms bubbling up from the deep, this LP exceeded all our expectations (and they were high). A fantastic voyage into the pan-dolphinic dawn. Black vinyl LPs in matte jackets with aquatic-loner artwork by Martens himself, plus a photocopied album review/interpretation by DJ Bongo Man. Edition of 375.

  • My Sad Captains - Here and Elsewhere (2009)

    Este disco no le va a cambiar la vida a nadie, pero es una buena receta para la resaca post-primavera. Pop bonito, romántico, 12 buenas canciones donde destacan Great Expectations_, the sum total of everything, all hat and no plans_ y la que cierra el disco a change of scenery.

  • @Zackchill:1u34877z:

    lo dicho:

    Miguel Poveda - Coplas del Querer 2xCD [Universal, 2009]

    gracias mil, lo vi por primera vez hace un par de meses y flipé

  • Wooden Shjips - Contact 12" [Mexican Summer, 2009]

  • @Blixdeina:8fqkr0d5:

    banda sonora de la última de Jim Jarmusch que grabó en Madrid. Psicodelia y Flamenco. Olé!!! ... 09-SSR.rar

    me cuesta imaginar una peli de Jarmusch con esta banda sonora (mas por Boris, Sunn O))) y The Black Angels que por el flamenco -aunque espero que no sea capaz de meter al Talegón de Cordoba como hilo musical de un bareto fashion de Barcelona-), a ver con qué nos sorprende.

  • Ohbijou - Beacons


    The overall mood and feel is folk-flecked (banjos and accordions appear, and strings are fairly ubiquitous) and pastoral. There is a marked lyrical focus on the seasons - particularly Winter, which is evoked in several songs ("Winter brings / Peculiar things" from Cannon March; "Winter sleeps in trees" from Eloise And The Bones).

    Another trope is the moon, which features in a poetic lyrical extract from We Lovers: "The moon falls in lines of silver / Reflected light on the still water / Bring me life in a million colours / Bring me love like no other". Another arresting lyric is Thunderlove's "I shout "timber" 'cos / I am lumber falling down". Both are typical of much else on the album in their juxtaposition of nature with a slightly wistful emotional mood.

    Quite charming as a lot of this is, the pacing of the album does ebb and flow. Tracks like Black Ice, Cliff Jumps (which follows it in the running order), Make It Gold and We Lovers don't have strong enough melodies or striking enough instrumentation to make them memorable, unlike those that are most successful (Intro To Season, Cannon March with its grand piano introduction, Eloise And The Bones and the stand-out Thunderlove, where the stately string interjections lend drama at key points). At such weaker points something a little more than the - albeit wonderful - vocal is needed to keep things moving along.

    This, then, is music as an appealing, extremely easy-on-the-ear warm aural bath. Not one to challenge or confront the listener, despite the occasional "mild peril" lyrical themes (which don't ever actually end up sounding too perilous), it can be added to the treasured and valuable ranks of albums into which listeners can immerse and lose themselves for a while.

    Flojitos del foro, esto puede interesaros mucho, jajaja.

  • @Kanchelskis:uzbymckr:

    me cuesta imaginar una peli de Jarmusch con esta banda sonora (mas por Boris, Sunn O))) y The Black Angels que por el flamenco -aunque espero que no sea capaz de meter al Talegón de Cordoba como hilo musical de un bareto fashion de Barcelona-), a ver con qué nos sorprende.

    Pues a mi no me parece tan distinto de Broken Flowers, simplemente cambia la música étnica de Mulatu Astatke por el flamenco, y donde ponía Sleep pone Sunn O)))…

  • Kanchelskis, ¿puedes volver a colgar el de Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra?

  • No soy Kanclecas, pero aquí lo tienes explosion:

  • Matrix Metals - Flamingo Breeze cs [Not Not Fun, 2009]


    The Southern California mythology glints in the irises of certain dreamers more radiantly than it does in others, and few crews have begun capturing the imaginary high life of neon Corvette rides, Ray-Bans at night, and sea-breeze mind-surfing better than the Outer Limits Recordings collective. They operate under most radars but their output is a radical Rubik’s Cube of riddles, tape hiss, and tranced pop utopias. Matrix Metals is casually referred to as an “alien lounge music” project, but that’s not even the half of it. A hotwired collection of fringe-vision vignettes that roves from ghost club beats to astral 80s TV theme songs to loopy interdimensional dub-funk and beyond, Flamingo Breeze is a capitalized question mark in the NNF canon, and a recent obsession of ours. Anonymous pro-dubbed white tapes in cases with full-color “VHS box collage” J-cards designed by the artist, plus an insert and 2 tickets to a Matrix Metals performance at a fictional club in the future. Edition of 125.


    The Old Rig - Trembling Static Sky c23 [Digitalis Ltd, 2009]


    lost under a blanket of overgrown weeds and fallen branches is the remains of the old rig. this duo of patrack singleton and frank baugh (sparkling wide pressure - lp upcoming on digi) create organic webs of sonic detritus and sew its roots into the fertile, tennessee soil. black as night and sullen under a metric ton of fuzz, "trembling static sky" has washed out all the glitz and glam and taken these stellar drones into their mossy core. utilizing a variety of field recordings, these pieces are like a warm, flowing river of molasses.

    epic in scope and persistence, add the old rig to the list of growing concerns in tennessee. baugh & singleton are in it to win it. incredible artwork by bob vore. edition of 65, pro-dubbed and ready to go. pics & audio:

  • ese Zack, gracias!

  • Skullflower - Vile Veil LP [Noiseville, 2009]


    Maybe it's just the influence of the gothic type, but those screaming loops make this one seem like the most hateful, least psychedelic Matthew Bower track in quite some years. Sounds like someone left a circular saw running against a subway rail. And 3 cheers for that. Tracklisting: Vile Veil, Mauvais Ange, Vinum Sabbati.
    A special mini LP of recently recorded guitar torturing noise. Edition of 300 copies with a silk screen cover. Available first for their performance at No Fun Fest in NYC. Very limited quantities.

  • The Loves: Three (2009)

    Muy posiblemente al final del año, este disco esté entre mis preferidos, pop, garage, algo de Phil Spector en la adictiva Love song#7. Como unos Comet Gain con menos revoluciones.
    Cancionacas: la que abre el disco One two three, You don´t have to, The Ex-Girlfriend, y las mejores Love song#7 y Sweet sister Delia.

    El video de Sweet sister Delia ... re=related

  • Deer Tick - Born On Flag Day [Partisan Records, 2009]


    Born On Flag Day is Deer Tick's highly anticipated second full-length album and follow-up to the band's 2007 internationally acclaimed debut, War Elephant (reissued in 2008 by Partisan Records). This release follows two years of extensive touring in sold out clubs across the country and abroad.

    Unlike War Elephant, this album features the three new members of Deer Tick that principal songwriter John J. McCauley III recruited to become the band's current incarnation - Andy Tobiassen, Dennis Ryan and Chris Ryan. Born On Flag Dayreflects a natural evolution from a singular vision of one songwriter to something much greater. The album is set for a June 23rd street date on Partisan Records.

  • Final (Justin K. Broadrick) - Reading All the Right Signals Wrong [No Quarter, 2009]

  • AIDS Wolf - Pas Rapport (Not On Label, 2009)
    Noise, Experimental

  • V.A. - Shiftless Decay: New Sounds of Detroit (2009)
    Garage, rock


    TRACK LIST: 1. Tentacle Lizardo - "Haunted Closet" / 2. Human Eye - "Fix Me First Universe Nurse" / 3. Frustrations - "Psychedelic Motorcrash" / 4. Terrible Twos - "Negative Drip" / 5. Heroes & Villains - "SDWC" / 6. Johnny Ill Band - "Ella Says" / 7. Tyvek - "Flashing Lights" / 8. The Mahonies - ""Paint the Town Brown" / 9. Fontana - "Gotta Split" / 10. Little Claw - "Feeding You Your New Home" / 11. THTX - "Monorails to Nowhere" / 12. Odd Clouds - "Gum Coup Follicle"

  • gracias, tiene muy buena pinta

  • @Waldo:


    me cuesta imaginar una peli de Jarmusch con esta banda sonora (mas por Boris, Sunn O))) y The Black Angels que por el flamenco -aunque espero que no sea capaz de meter al Talegón de Cordoba como hilo musical de un bareto fashion de Barcelona-), a ver con qué nos sorprende.

    Pues a mi no me parece tan distinto de Broken Flowers, simplemente cambia la música étnica de Mulatu Astatke por el flamenco, y donde ponía Sleep pone Sunn O)))…

    hombre, pero de Sleep metía un tema y de Mulatu, dos. Aquí, mete casi mitad y mitad de flamenco y de Sunn O)))/ Boris. Igual entronca más con la oscuridad de la BSO de "Ghost Dog", aunque fuera de hip hop.