Filtraciones '09

  • efectivamente. Sus dos primeros discos (sobre todo La Maison) sonaban analógicos. Sus ruiditos tenían la magia que tiene la electrónica de dormitorio y estaban muy currados. Loops y teclas delicadas de piano, voces casi radiofónicas y xilófono… una pasada. Ahora lo que hacen es tan convencional que suena vulgar. Algo parecido le ha pasado a Hanne Hukkelberg, por cierto. Chicas, la cuestión es NO darle al play.

  • @Kiototar:23do6r7r:

    Este rollito ya me aburre. Hay que decirles a estos chicos que Ibiza ya no mola.


    o por lo menos que se pongan a hacer versiones interesantes en plan Cindy Lauper o cosas así

  • el sello africantape en colaboración con sickroom ofrece un sampler descargable con grupos como aucan, three second kiss, hey! tonal, bear claw, l'ocelle mare, pink mountain, passemontagne… para gente a la que le guste touch & go, southern, ecstatic peace...

    Fairytale drone-folk casts a charm. As mystical as the magic mushroom they named themselves after, this Montreal duo create an unsettling hybrid of western archival folk and Japanese music that sounds like a Brothers Grimm fairytale set in a forest after dark

  • “Away We Go” -OST (Alexi Murdoch & others)

    Alexi Murdoch, yes that Alexi Murdoch.  Not just for the teen dramas anymore!
    Seriously though, a favourite for a long time for great singer songwriter quality is Alexi Murdoch.  He has that calming voice, delicate guitar work and just a great vibe.  What wouldn’t his music be good for?  An afternoon lazing around the house, a road trip along the coast, background music while you construct your first novel and yes, a soundtrack to a movie.
    The movie in question is “Away We Go” and it will be released in just under a month on June 5th in LA and New York with the wide release soon after.  It is directed by Sam Mendes (Oscar winning Sam Mendes thank you very much) and is the first original screenplay by novelists Dave Eggers & Vendela Vida.  Basically it is considered a contemporary snapshot of a particular couple’s travels across America - oh the dramatics and shenanigans ensue.  Following a cast of John Krasinski of “The Office” fame and Maya Rudolph who you will know as a recent grad of Saturday Night Live.  What else do you need?
    But the music - it includes more than Alexi, but he figures predominantly (at 8 of the 12 tracks, plus a bonus track, so I guess 9 or 13?) and it is a mix of old and new Murdoch songs.  Some tracks are from previous albums and some are newly released (but keen ears will know that there a couple of songs that are also on a mysterious self released EP “Towards The Sun” that surfaced in the last few weeks on various leak sites - without even a mention on his own website!).  I must say that personally I think he is a great choice for a soundtrack if for nothing else to get more material from him.  I have to say that he is consistently good and whether you consider him too mainstream gushy to be taken seriously, then you just don’t get him.  It’s good stuff, period.

  • Dream Colour - Spiritual Celebration [Not Not Fun, 2009]


    There’s currently a glut of bands dog-paddling around the trans-continental psych-pond with names involving words like ‘color,’ ‘dream,’ and ‘infinity,’ and Ventura County brass-groove arkestra Dreamcolour are smack thick in the middle of this ’08-‘09 nomenclatorial zeitgeist (though to their credit they use the British spelling). Yet, semi-ironically, the mood of the zones they explore on Spiritual Celebration are wonderfully vintage, with a strange, reverential “out of time” quality that seems decidedly non-NOW. Hand-drums beat along with a steady, easy lope, saxes are crooned (not skronked) smoothly up towards the sun, Farfisa trills further brighten the corners. There’s no damaged FX-abuse or lo-fi freakouts; all minds are fused into one gently simmering open-air spiritual jazz homage. Echoes of Don Cherry abound. The tape is split into three chapters: a stunning 20-minute A-side hayride (“Spiritual Celebration”), a briefer horn flurry piece (“Sun Ritual”), and a gorgeous lunar meditation chamber (“Moon Ritual”). A great West Coast force with an exotic back catalogue and a killer live vibe, worth keeping tabs on. Pro-dubbed cassettes in cases with full-color marker/collage J-cards designed by Amanda. Edition of 100.

  • Jeans Wilder – Antiques (Night People, 2009)
    Lo-Fi, Experimental  

  • No lo he dicho nunca pero gracias a los que poneis etiquetas.

  • Richard Youngs - Beyond the Valley of Ultrahits
    Mucho menos experimental, mucho más "pop" que de costumbre, pero sigue siendo un disco de Richard Youngs.

  • No puedo con el de Coalesce, vaya pepino más serio.

    El de Elfin Saddle ya estaba colgado, buen disco.

    Faith No More ha empezado gira ya, tengo más que miedo, os dejo el primer concierto en la Brixton Academy

    edito porque suena a culo


    • HORSE The Band - Shapeshift (2009)

    Produce y colabora Jamie Stewart de Xiu Xiu


    • Black Meteoric Star-Black Meteoric Star(2009)

    Es Gavin Russom de Gavin&Delia otrora en DFA ... vin_Russom

  • Pues a mí, el de coalesce me ha dejado un poco igual, mucho ruido y pocas nueces que se dice. Quizá sólo tenga alimento del recuerdo y si reescuchara los antiguos me parecerían eso, no sé, pero este, ni fu ni fa.

  • Vibes - Psychic 7" [Not Not Fun, 2009]


    Every family has a freak (or 2). Every deck’s got a wild card. We’ve got Vibes. Ante up. NNF’s loosest cannons return to the recording fray with, Psychic, a blown-out briar patch of basement garage fantasy masquerading as obscurist protest funk – and the band’s first vinyl statement. Recorded in Eagle Rock on a “last legs”-style 4-track, the EP’s four songs are jacked deep in the red, with fuzz bass, wah shrapnel, vocal sloganeering, and drum racket all fighting for tape room. Competition is fierce. Recent live faves like “Dead Horses” and “Night Court” appear in particularly revved-up form, as do the first two Vibes songs ever written, “Psychic” and “Prisms Of Fame.” All bases are covered. All soul trains are derailed. Here comes the judge. Black vinyl 33 RPM singles in full-color fold-over sleeves with collage artwork and lettering by Cameron Stallones, photographs by Caitlin C. Mitchell, plus a rant-y revolution scrapbook insert. Edition of 400.

  • @IzxcvI:3uj1bwvd:

    Pues a mí, el de coalesce me ha dejado un poco igual, mucho ruido y pocas nueces que se dice. Quizá sólo tenga alimento del recuerdo y si reescuchara los antiguos me parecerían eso, no sé, pero este, ni fu ni fa.

    a mí me parece un disco muy digno, aunque sigo teniendo el mismo problema con ellos que tenía hace diez años: voz de me-apreta-la-goma-de-los-gayumbos y batería poco imaginativa (aunque efectiva, eso sí). otros grupos en la misma línea de hardcore imaginativo me gustan más (botch, dillinger escape plan, converge), pero tiene algún temazo de órdago y en general rockea razonablemente.

    (pseudo-reseña escrita sin utilizar la frase "pero tengo que darle más escuchas")

  • está claro que Coalesce se han domesticado. Si hasta les entrevistan en la pitchfork y son el grupo metal de la semana de myspace…

    Me faltan escuchas del disco para juzgarlo, la verdad.

  • @Valderrama's:


    Son Volt - American Central Dust (2009)

    Tocate los eggs, yo pensando que esto no estaba filtrado aún y desde abril que este culé lo tiene posteado.

    Pongo uno nuevo por si hay algún@ empanad@ como la nen@:

    Yo si que estoy empanada porque a pesar de oir hablar de Son Volt en este foro nunca había escuchado nada, y me está encantando. Nos iremos atras, si a alguien le apetece que me ponga cositas de este señor en peticiones.

  • Magnolia Electric Co. - Josephine [Secretly Canadian, 2009]


    About halfway through Magnolia Electric Co.'s latest long player, Josephine, there is a noticeable shift in weight. It's a release of some sort — the kind that comes when you give up holding back the tears. It's a heavy kind of freedom coming to the forefront, an empowering sadness. And when chief Electrician Jason Molina delivers the line "an hour glass… filled with tears and twilight from a friend's dying day," the mood becomes clear. The band is back on its heels, yes, but they are going to fight back in the only way they know how.

    Molina's concept album is an honest-to-God effort on the part of Magnolia Electric Co. to pay tribute to the life and spirit of fallen bassist Evan Farrell (R.I.P. December 2007), as the ideas for Josephine were being pieced together. Molina said each tune is a good faith attempt to make real Evan's hopes for the record. And in doing so, Evan's spirit becomes part of the concept. The loss of Josephine becomes the loss of Evan. Molina's familiar lyrical allegories are still in tact. But here, in what is no doubt the strongest set of songs Molina has written since the inception of Magnolia Electric Co., those classic themes take on new meanings. Molina has approached the universal loneliness before, but never in such a focused, directed manner as found on Josephine.

    Molina, Magnolia Electric Co. and legendary recording engineer Steve Albini have put it all to heart.

    The album is also an experiment in Molina's songcraft, introducing some real lessons in brevity as he whittles a handful of tracks into well-under three minutes. There are cues taken from great songwriters like Willie Nelson and Warren Zevon, ie the horn section throughout the record and the especially the sax solo on the Zevon-esque lead track "O! Grace," or the doo-wop leanings found in "Rock of Ages." The album closer, "An Arrow in the Gale," acknowledges that Magnolia Electric Co.. as the road warriors they have truly become, are still blazing the trail with the line "Lightning on our tail, we better go, Jo."

  • muy pero que muy bien, zach. para que luego digan del droneramen..

  • Luego otros se llevaran la fama y la gloria y yo permaneceré en el olvido, pero esto lo arreglo yo con un cambio de avatar

  • Seguro que a partir de ahora te tendrán más en cuenta.

  • Echo de menos songs:ohia.