Filtraciones '09

  • Esto me ha alegrado la semana entera

    Poison the Well - The tropic riot (2009)


  • The Radio Dept. - David Ep

  • Le Corbeau - Evening Chill/Montreal of the Mind (2009)


    This is the bravest Norwegian album I’ve heard all year, and Øystein Sandsdalen has humbled us into knowing that he’s a force to be reckoned with. Rather than be sidelined as Serena Maneesh’s second guitarist, or having taken the route so many bands in the same milieu have, that is, blatantly ripping Serena (which of course also rips their archeology of Neu, Suicide, My Bloody Valentine, etc.), this creative effort is entirely an entity of its own. It’s remarkable not just because it’s in a different language not often used by Norwegian bands (French), plays off unique influences (from Serge Gainsbourg, to John Fahey, to David Lynch), but is a total amalgamation of all that is Øystein Sandsdalen, it clearly remains his defined style, his voice.

    The album comprises of two points, or rather, two leitmotifs, and like the title suggests with the break “/”, it is the struggle primarily between the second track “Dans La Lumiere Du Crepuscule” and the sixth, “L’innocence Revient Encore / Rève D’ivresse”. I suspect treating these two songs and their lyrics is a task for later, but the others act like supplementary instrumental moments, each with a special detail or contribution to its overall fluctuations. Unfortunately, this also makes the experience as a whole rather short-lived, but the double bind reigns throughout, requiring nothing more, nothing less.

    A word on these other songs. As the title track with mysterious ease draws you slowly into it, a repetitive low-thumping detuned riff resounds, gradually circling and gaining in strength towards an ineluctable intensity almost unbearable — reaching an infinitely graceful house of noise. “Night Stroll” comes off the first real motif in the album, seducing you further with lazy, tremolo ridden guitars into, and occasionally accompanied by, some dead crashing sound as if someone’s nerves are being roasted on a spit. Some pristine beauty vs ugliness beneath. “Hypernoir” brings the album to a level of rich primitivism (via Fahey or Loren Connors), and like many other songs, into the sublime with carefully chosen elements that contract degrees of heat and light — saxophones and owls, howls and oboes. The last two songs leave you feeling like pieces of driftwood, an appropriate end, suggestive of purging or cleansing or finality (somehow “Hold In The Story” is reminiscent in effect of “Don’t Come Down Here”). All these songs hang as clouds dusting two gracefully refined movements, a dagger and its thrust.

    —— I never get the feeling I’m being lied to. My déjà vu is only a sadistic enjoyment of past music or symbols relived, beautifully rewritten. I adore music like this. From the first chord everything feels visceral, the mood I can almost taste it in my tongue, like electricity; a mystery that is timeless. Darkly blue notes, south of the soul.

  • Those Darlins-Those Darlins 06/2009.

    I have to thank WMSE for introducing me to Those Darlins, who release their self-titled album today. Since introduction, it’s been in heavy rotation. Hailing from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, this trio combines the greatness of Wanda Jackson and Patsy Cline in a present day package. These gals continue the lineage of country greats that didn’t jump on the pop express, but instead stuck with the whiskey-soaked ballads and tales of heartbreak. It’s a package that, when done right, is an easy sell every time for me. A couple listens and you’ll be sold too.

  • @Dan:

    Esto me ha alegrado la semana entera

    Poison the Well - The tropic riot (2009)


    estos ahora hacen post-hardcore? pues que bien.

  • Portugal.The Man-The Satanic Satanist (2009)


    GAY BEAST - SECOND WAVE (SkinGraft Records)

    Gay Beast is a band that defies the word “genre”. On their second LP, Second Wave, they're on full-explosion mode, and every corner of this album is filled with some of the most mathematical “dance-noise” you'll ever hear. Literally, every song will catch you off guard, and it even seems that they have invented new musical time signatures. The record is mostly instrumental, but some tracks do feature vocals from lead singer, Daniel Luedtke. If you want to hear something new and intensely interesting, Second Wave was made for you.

    This album pulls influences from post-punk, lo-fi, techno, and just a tiny bit of new wave. Think of it this way: If Sonic Youth and Le Tigre got together and wrote songs for a messed up version of At the Drive-In, you may have Second Wave. Dancing to what sounds like a broken record has never been more fun. It’s hard to pick any stand-out tracks from the album, as each song has the same quirky qualities as its predecessor, but with just enough differences to keep things exciting. Even their song names are a good kind of strange, with “Eeexxxpppaaannndddiiinnnggg”, “Exploding Knee”, and “Make a Map, Pressing Hard” as examples.

    Second Wave is certainly something most music lovers have never heard before. Upon first listen, it may also be hard to digest because of how different it is. Changing time signatures and experiments in noise sometimes make it sound like each member is playing three different songs at once; but if you listen closely, you can hear that these three people are very talented musicians who know how to make their experiments fun.

  • Gracias, pero me esperaba el de PRE!!!!

  • jajaja para una vez que llego!!
    ese no hay manera tron, pero este está que flipas
    el de pre creo que sale el día 29

  • Cluster - Qua [2009/Nepenthe] desde el 1990 sin sacar nada nuevo de estudio.

  • Lo nuevo nuevo del pop británico:

  • @bruce_billis:1edp4559:


    Esto me ha alegrado la semana entera

    Poison the Well - The tropic riot (2009)


    estos ahora hacen post-hardcore? pues que bien.

    ya sabe que las urgencias de la vida y de los foros caen en la tentación de etiquetar, tan solo con afán de poner referencias a neófitos, de cualquier forma, cual habría escogido usted?

  • @Dan:



    Esto me ha alegrado la semana entera

    Poison the Well - The tropic riot (2009)


    estos ahora hacen post-hardcore? pues que bien.

    ya sabe que las urgencias de la vida y de los foros caen en la tentación de etiquetar, tan solo con afán de poner referencias a neófitos, de cualquier forma, cual habría escogido usted?

    hombre, yo creo que esta gente hacen un rollo más metálico. podríamos calificarlo como metalcore, por ejemplo.

    por cierto dan, felicidades por la reunión de sdre.

  • qué?????????????????????????

    me acaba de dar un amago de infarto, por favor dame más detalles, ya no duermo hoy, coño

    edito:joder que grande, se me han saltado las lágrimas,lo acabo de leer,gracias tío.

  • @Dan:


    me acaba de dar un amago de infarto, por favor dame más detalles, ya no duermo hoy, coño

    jajaja! ya se ha comentado en el hilo de reunion act. la noticia está sacada de muzikalia:

    pero hay enlaces a la web de subpop donde se confirma oficiosamente.

    de momento sólo hay fechas para usa y cánada. esperemos que no nos dejen colgados de nuevo.

  • @Dan:


    me acaba de dar un amago de infarto, por favor dame más detalles, ya no duermo hoy, coño

    Solamente se ha hablado de ello en 4 o 5 hilos

  • vaya, ojalá tuviera más tiempo para profundizar en este bendito foro, desgraciadamente me limito a filtraciones y conciertos, de todas formas, y de casualidad extraña, en uno de los peores días que uno recuerda aparece de repente la mejor de las noticias posibles, mi querido Dan sale por fin de su cabaña, jamás pude verlos y probablemente nada me ha hecho sentir como lo hizo Diary, y el rosa, e incluso el How it Feels, que grande.

    edito para decir que metalcore se me antoja escaso para Poison the well de los últimos discos

  • Music Is the Weapon-Music Is the Weapon 2009.

    Music Is The Weapon started as a tribute band to the late Fela Kuti. But now the band has developed there own individual sound. But still in the same heavy afrobeat spirit as Fela.Captivating horns and magical afrobeat rhythms !

  • como no sé si lo habeis puesto, aquí va el discal de Dorian Concept, chavalillo austriaco que chana bastante.
    En la orbita post dilla, coordenadas Hudson Mohawke, Mike Slott y toda esta banda. Tecladitos a cascoporro, lisergia espacial, crujiditos y cajas de ritmo chirriantes, bajos espumosos… esas cositas.

  • Various - Legends Of Benin

    Legends of Benin” is a collection of super-rare and highly danceable masterpieces recorded between 1969 and 1981 by four legendary composers from Benin: Gnonnas Pedro et Ses Dadjes, Antoine Dougbé, El Rego et Ses Commandos, and Honoré Avolonto. 
    Each one of them has his own distinctive sound – a thick brew of agbadja, soul, cavacha, funk, afro-beat, and afro-latin sounds, all mixed with heavy traditional rhythms – a distinctive Beninese sound!
    Gnonnas Pedro has always excelled in many styles of music, but if one had to associate him with a particular genre it would be agbadja. Agbadja is a rhythm hugely popular in Togo, Benin and Ghana. It is based on three percussions, each one of them with a different tone. The epicenter of that rhythm is a region called Le Mono, located in the center of Benin, and birthplace of Gnonnas Pedro. It’s a rhythm used mainly during burial ceremonies. Gnonnas adopted and modernised it in the mid-60s calling it ‘agbadja modern’. It became his trademark sound and he was soon dubbed ‘le roi du rhythme agbadja’. The track “Dadje Von O Von Non” was originally recorded in 1966 and is Gnonnas’ first modern rendition of agbadja. Also featured here is the crazy kick-ass funk track “Okpo Videa Bassouo” recorded in 1973, as well as the sublimely contagious track “La Musica en Verité”.
    Honoré Avolonto started his career 40 years ago as a percussionist. The young tumba player went on to become one of Benin’s most prolific composers: “I was composing so many tunes that some producers would run out of cash and pay me with goods instead; I remember receiving a torch for a song once”. Avolonto composed Benin’s most successful LP (No Title-SAT 143) which was recorded for the Satel music label in the late 70s. That album was recorded with Black Santiago, a band fronted by amazing trumpetist Ignace De Souza, another legend, with whom he recorded the afro-beat track “Dou Dagbe We” a few years earlier (included here). Avolonto has fronted some of Benin’s most powerful bands and some of the partnerships with Orchestre Poly-Rythmo and Les Commandos are presented here. Beware! Killer afro-beat meets frenetic funk!
    In recent years El Rego et Ses Commandos’ vinyl records have taken the funk DJ scene by storm, with some incredible stuff released on Albarika Store and Aux Ecoutes from the early 70s. For at least a year Analog Africa was operating solely on money generated from El Rego records sold to DJs and collectors, so when I decided to release music from Benin, it was natural that El Rego would be the first artist from that country I would seek to get the licensing rights for. This compilation includes Benin’s first afro-soul-funk track (call it what you like) recorded by El Rego with the support of Ghanean singer Eddy Black Power. The jerk scene in Benin was triggered by the success generated by the phenomenal song “Feeling You Got” which had an infectious accordion riff that did not seem to surprise anyone in Benin, as musically anything was possible at the time. As a consequence bands started composing tunes on the model of that song – Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou being one of them, and that’s how the crazy funk scene started. “E Nan Mian Nuku” is an afro-latin tune combined with a kind of bossa nova. We have included “Vimado Wingnan”, Benin’s most sought-after funk track – and understandably so.
    Orchestre Poly-Rythmo not only composed and recorded hundreds of songs, but they still found time to arrange and record for other artists, one of them being ‘le ministre du diable’ Antoine Dougbé. From all the artists here, Dougbé is the least-known even in Benin, but the quality and the power of his composition makes him my personal legend. One thing is for sure, he created his own style which he dubbed afro cavacha. It’s a fantastic mixture of Congolese rumba, latin sounds and traditonal vodoun rhythms – a crazy melting pot if you prefere. And last but not least … never leave an Antoine Dougbé vinyl record behind, especially not the ones released on his own label, Editions Dougbé Antoine. They are incredible and have become some of Africa’s most sought-after collector’s items.
    This Analog Africa compilation comes with a 40 page full colour booklet including ultra rare pictures and biographies.
    Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the mind-blowing sound of Benin!