Filtraciones '09

  • Como Toxi ya no cuelga casi nada de Dröner Kebab desde que tiene su blog… , lo he subido yo. Uno de los esperados de este año.

    Ben frost - By The Throat - bedroomcommunity.

    En el disco ha sido coproducido por Frost y Valgeir Sigurðsson y han colaborado gente de The Arcade Fire, las Amiinas, Nico Muhly y el grupo sueco de grindcore Crowpath. Impresionante su anterior trabajo "Ben Frost: Theory of Machines (2007)" y su reciente visita en el Sónar 2009.

    Las composiciones van desde el ambient emocional, pasajes calmados, siniestros y fríos a un desenlace de lo más crudo y visceral / una muralla de sonido de tintes industriales, con descargas analogicas y frecuenciales que te pegan un par de ostias y después todo vuelve a la calma.


    “…The emotional power of Frost's music comes precisely from the stark contrast between extremely basic musical material and the deadly virtual instruments he invents to perform it… This is Arvo Pärt as arranged by Trent Reznor”

    –Wire Magazine, 2007

  • @zeroe:3cvpplk0:


    Re-up el de Mission of burma?

    Gracias, majo

  • Te podrás quejar tu, Pelukas. Que creo que te han llegado unos enlaces por algún lado… jajaja.

  • jolines, Arvo Pärt + Trent Reznor, casi me da miedo bajarlo, a ver que tal, gracias por la recomendación.

    Edito porque la cita tiene tela, Arvo Pärt tan religioso, Reznor tan maligno, el señor Frost debe ser una especie de limbo.

  • Emeralds-Emeralds-2009

    What we play is what is coming out of the three of us at that particular time, and can't really be created twice the same way," writes Elliott. McGuire agrees, explaining that the band "may briefly talk about the general feeling we might want to convey before we play, but that's it." Forgoing multi-tracking or overdubs, Emeralds focus on the music more than the process, but there's a goal in mind. "The only thing I think we generally go for is full catharsis," Elliott writes, "however the music gets us there."

    Cynics may scoff, but there's something refreshing about the ardor with which Emeralds talk of their work. The trio sounds genuinely excited about immersing themselves, without a hint of irony or self-degradation. "We're really trying to put everything we have into our music," writes McGuire. "Nothing else feels right. Everything else becomes a distraction."

    Their welcome into the ranks has been a positive one. "A lot of the people that are putting our records out are the people we're the most inspired by, so in a way, we really feel like we have to work hard to be a part of that," relates Elliott. "I would say that we have had very good resources early on and we are grateful for that." The band's discography is rife with releases on Cleveland-based labels, but has become increasingly peppered with the names of some of noisedom's most esteemed imprints. Having already issued cassettes and CD-Rs on American Tapes, Gods of Tundra, Chondritic Sound, and Fag Tapes, Emeralds are soon to join the rosters of Ecstatic Peace, No Fun and Hanson Records.

    Cleveland has never been a hotbed for noise music; while an underground has existed there for some time, it seems rarely that the city's artists rise to national recognition. With Emeralds, though, perhaps the situation is beginning to change. "Every kid hates their hometown obnoxiously," writes Elliott in his defense of Emeralds' origins. "There are people that live here that try to deny the talent that’s thriving." McGuire is equally effusive, saying "There are lots of great bands in Cleveland, and I feel so lucky to know them all." The trio’s hometown pride is present even in their name, which was inspired by the "Emerald Necklace," a string of parks that surrounds the region.

    Emeralds creation of haunting, beautiful sound is one departure from noise music's perceived M.O., but their mindset toward their work provides an even more striking argument against the misconception of noisemakers as nihilistic pessimists. The band's youthful enthusiasm is immediately tangible when they talk about their music, and there's a sense of dedication that has likely played a large part in their success thus far. A statement like "I feel like our music comes from a desire we all share to create something meaningful," might seem a platitude from the mouth of another, but when McGuire follows it up by saying that, in Emeralds, "I find myself feeling like I did when I was a little kid dreaming of spending my life playing music," one can sense a candor and earnestness not colored by a desire to say the right thing. Elliott is no less positive, framing Emeralds' achievements thus far as opportunities for growth. "It really just inspires me to explore as much music as I can," he writes. "It really makes me want to deliver the records that are good enough for that kind of exposure and treatment."
    Ambience will still likely be a large part of Emeralds' music, but it sounds as though the band that Elliott called "more careful than subtle," and whose earliest efforts were marked by "simple displays of control" could be taking their music to the proverbial next level. "What we play now is something we could have never seen when we first started," writes McGuire. "We don’t know what things will be like in a year, or five years…just excited to see where things will lead."

  • @-Toxinho-:pg64rkfx:

    Te podrás quejar tu, Pelukas. Que creo que te han llegado unos enlaces por algún lado… jajaja.

    ya se, gracias, pero tio, estas cosas hay que colgarlas aquí también, que son caramelitos o por lo menos en el hilo de dröner kebab, jaja te estas FF

  • @Pelukini:adb1tsfy:

    Aún que los temas ya están en otros discos de Woods/Woods family creeps, vale la pena escuchar este registro.

    Acoustic Family Creeps - Play Live in the Woods one-sided 12"

    Woods material recorded for Radio Dijon in France in April 2009. This is just a great sounding record with a depth and emotional gravity that even beats their ‘official’ releases.

    Oye, esto que es exactamente?
    Sí, Woods, pero, porque sale como artista lo otro??
    Que es lo que me pierdo?

  • Woods/Woods Family Creeps/Woods Family/Acoustic Family Creeps, en acústico o no y con alguna rotación de amigos/integrantes, pero siguen siendo Woods.

    es parecido al caso de Thee Oh Sees, The Ohsees, The Oh Sees…

  • Que ganas de joder la marrana…



  • Fergus & Geronimo - Blind Muslim Girl 7" (2009) - tic tac totally

    y unos de noise rock que me sorprendieron gratamente el año pasado, lo que se ve que han cambiado la cantante, así que ni idea, aún o he tenido tiempo de catarlo, ya comentaré.

    Mutators - Kill Me (2009)

  • Madredelamorhermoso

  • Cuanto tiempo, no?


  • Hola Zack, aquí estoy dando una vuelta por el super. Nos vamos a poner gordos gordos de tanto comer.
    Ya dicen que esto del tiempo es relativo amigo, a mi me parece que fue ayer.

  • Se sabe algo del nuevo álbum de David Sylvian que se titula Manafon que lo ha hecho con la ayuda de Fennesz???

  • Link movido.

  • Yo la Tengo - Adventureland OST (2009)

    Editado al subirlo a mediafire :

  • @Dan:

    Yo la Tengo - Adventureland OST (2009)

    MP3 / V0 (VBR) / Vinyl

    esto , que es lo que es?

  • Es la banda sonora de la película Adventureland a cargo de Yo la Tengo solo disponible en vinilo en el pre-order de Popular Songs

  • Gracias!!!

  • Pelukas, Toxi, este el disco que pedia…al final un colega via torrent. Echadle un vistazo, es como un Bonny Prince Billy australiano, necesario. ... _-_320.rar