Filtraciones '09

  • de nuevo, gracias Toxinho!

  • @Mr.:

    ¿El nuevo de Six Organs of Admittance ha rulado por aquí? Es que no consigo encontrarlo

  • @Mr.:

    ¿El nuevo de Six Organs of Admittance ha rulado por aquí? Es que no consigo encontrarlo

    Es un recopilatorio, por eso.

  • @tra-la-la:3g563ekr:

    con que te hayas bajado el de animal collective ya es suficiente jajajja

    mais oui

    ya lo tengo! son grandes!

  • @Pelukini:2d7fjkxa:

    se me esta desbordando a mi y todo, aún tengo mucha cosa del 2008 a la espera, y de este año… aún no he escuchado ni el de Marissa Nadler, arggg, voy a ella. alguien lo ha escuchado ya? bien?

    PD: Toxhino para ya coño!, vas a ful eh? andtheworld?, habéis hecho una fusión o que?

    Un poco diferente, mas pop, tal vez. Me gusta

  • @Zackchill:2mp9qbdv:

    Boredoms - Super Roots 10 [Commmons, 2009]


    Black Joker - Watch Out! [Pacific City Studios 2009]


    Limited CD-R upgrade for what was originally a Europe-only cassette releases in an edition of 80 copies from the new project of Spencer Clark of The Skaters/Vodka Soap/Monopoly Child et al. Spencer himself describes this as being more drone-focussed and with faster percussion than the recent Monopoly Child sets. The percussion is up-front, with arcs of criss-crossing time signatures generating plenty of phantom space and the combination of trance-informed momentum and bubbling electronic sci-fi tones sounds closest to one of the Sun Ra Arkestra's most future-visioned takes on "Ancient Aethiopia"; while expanding on the classic post-Angus MacLise feel of all of the best Skaters material. Comes in a plastic case with black and white art.


  • @Sir:


    ¿El nuevo de Six Organs of Admittance ha rulado por aquí? Es que no consigo encontrarlo

    Es un recopilatorio, por eso.

    Pues estaba convencido que era de material nuevo. Gracias en cualquier caso.

  • Este disco creo que os puede gustar si paladeais cosas como Pan American o Tim Hecker recientemente publicadas por aquí. Aparecen en una nueva discográfica Thrill Jockey lo que puede darles un poco más de repercusión.

    Mountains - Choral


    Mountains is Brendon Anderegg and Koen Holtkamp, friends since their middle school days. The duo were brought together by mutual artistic and musical interests, and both ended up at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. It was during this time that they began exchanging musical ideas and compositions which led to them founding the Apestaartje label in 1999. As their collaborations and individual projects blossomed, they decided to create Mountains as a vehicle for live performance.

    A love of sculpting sound in front of an audience is at the heart of Mountains. The group’s third album, Choral, (their first self-titled release and second album Sewn were both on Apestaartje), is the culmination of their work to date and a balanced mix of the first two efforts. Mountains is often compared to artists such as Brian Eno and Fennesz citing their extended melodies and their unique broad guitar work. Mountains seamlessly blend pastoral electronic sounds with both field recordings and a plethora of acoustic instruments. The resulting soundscapes are broad in scope and rich in detail. The effect is incredibly sublime and hypnotic as the sounds slowly wrap themselves around each other and alter themselves in the mind of the listener. Choral is a uniquely soothing and addicting listening experience and an aural crazy quilt: warm and inviting with many details to discover and explore.

    Recorded by the duo entirely in the winter and spring of 2008 at home in Brooklyn, Choral is largely live and performed in real time, with only a few overdubs to create a more “choral” effect. The opening title-track carries the weight of a full orchestra gradually drawing their bows across a field of strings. The subtle undulations produce a warm blank canvas and create an impending sense of what’s to come. As the percolating electronic melodies creep into the track, they’re soon joined by field recordings, organ, electric piano, synthesizer, accordion and then later by the gentle strum of a guitar. This densely layered and textured song contains over 30 tracks of material. On the quiet and more guitar oriented “Map Table”, the band ‘play’ ice water and books by recording the sounds of them flipping through the pages. The calming “Telescope” actually features the sound of an intense thunderstorm recorded in the desert in Arizona. Guiding us through sonic peaks and valleys, the band takes us on a journey through their realm of experimentation, occasionally crossing over into psychedelic and kosmiche (Harmonia, Cluster, Popol Vuh) territory. Choral is the sound of an adventuresome duo, who is equally invested in melody and discovery.

  • @Dan:

    "El Goodo - Coyote (2009)"


    El Goodo combines the mellow and melodious psychedelic sounds of the Beach Boys, The Byrds and Love with beautiful and lush arrangements that call upon the mystical countryside from whence they came. The result is the creation of a mysterious, sweepingly grand, and at times whimsical approach to their already eclectic soundscape. Their intoxicating sophomore release, Coyote, due January 2009 (Grease Records), is both sprawling and hauntingly deserted, evoking a sonic landscape both richly cultivated and desolate, with intensely poetic harmonies and darkly articulated instrumentation. “Aren’t You Grand”, “I Saw Her Today”, “Talking to the Birds”, and “Oh, to Sleep” feel cinematic, like a dark western cowboy soundtrack, juxtaposing surfy and at times summery melodies to create an ominous score. “Feel So Fine”, “Be My Girl”, and “I Can’t Make It” continue in El Goodo’s knack for beautiful beach harmonies, but opt for psych-breakouts and breakdowns reminiscent of efforts by Olivia Tremor Control and Lansic Dreiden. Coyote was produced by the band in a deserted theater and has brought together Cian Ciaran of the Super Furry Animals’ fame to mix the album, as well as renowned artist Pete Fowler to capture the eloquence of the music for the album’s artwork. Coyote is a beautiful piece of darkly rich psych-pop perfection, brought to you by the new breed of Welsh pop wizards–El

    Podría alguien subirlo de nuevo… parece que se fastidió el enlace.

  • Sólo decir que ya circula el nuevo de Gui Boratto y que está de puta madre. Venía a postear el link que me pasaron ayer pero ya ha petado.
    Pelukas búscalo que te gusta.

  • Gui Boratto - Take My Breath Away

  • ¿Entonces sale la McGillis aquí, suarez?

  • En todo su esplendor.

  • @eolrin:2k3e7v2x:


    "El Goodo - Coyote (2009)"

    Podría alguien subirlo de nuevo… parece que se fastidió el enlace.

    aquí tienes eolrin

  • @Dan:



    "El Goodo - Coyote (2009)"

    Podría alguien subirlo de nuevo… parece que se fastidió el enlace.

    aquí tienes eolrin

  • edición 20 aniversario de Paul´s Boutique de Beastie Boys

  • ¿Se sabe algo de Lightning Bolt? Llevan desde 2005 sin sacar ningún disco ¿no?

    Ojalá se pasen por el Ps este año, qué ganas…

  • @Zackchill:1891n0n0:

    A ver si alguien encuentra esto:

    Crime In Choir - Gift Givers [Kill Shaman Records]

    Hoy está a la venta, a ver si alguien triunfa.

  • Pelukini, a sus pies.

  • alguien tendra por ahi el nuevo de los decemberist?? y el de los papercuts …