Filtraciones '09

  • bastante decente el nuevo disco de los gaditanos hand of fatima. siguen al dedillo el libro de estilo de red sparrows, pelican, isis, mogwai… pero lo hacen del carajo. además, el disco -grabado con paco loco- suena muy bien.

    hand of fatima - obake


  • He visto este disco por ahí, por si le interesa a alguien:

    Manos de topo - El Primero era mejor (2009)

  • Cinemasophia - Fits & Cycles


    "They're quite reminiscent of the remarkably multi-personalitied Philadelphia band The Lilys, but also akin to more recent bands such as Grizzly Bear – both with whom Cinemasophia have shared the rock stage. It's a lush, yet loosely woven tapestry of dream pop, shoegaze, and post-rock. In turn, the band can be all warm and fuzzy, robust and driving, introspective and intimate, fiery and dissonant."
    – Aquarius Records


    para amantes de Rocky Votolato, por ejemplo..

    Kevin Devine - Brother's Blood 2009

  • Buenos días… alguien podría reponer el de LEMONADE por favor?

    Es que lo tengo pendiente desde hace semanas y no hay manera…

  • estaba en su post de artistas cofirmados…

    este disco me gusta bastante.

    además, puedes descargar los remixes gratis de la página de rcrdlbl. bastante recomendables también.

  • @chema:

    estaba en su post de artistas cofirmados…

    este disco me gusta bastante.

    además, puedes descargar los remixes gratis de la página de rcrdlbl. bastante recomendables también.


    Llevo días con los remixes y me apetecía tener el LP completo.

  • emoal

    Jeniferever - Spring Tides (2009)

  • a mi no me molan, pero se que el nuevo de art brut corre ya por ahí, un forero que no escribe lo tiene pero no lo quiere colgar porque lo ha sacao de una web molona que no quiere que descubrais para colgarse el las medallas.

  • Dile al Harry que se filtre el de Callahan y el de los Wave Pictures ya, coño

  • @Trinxo:rp3loa5i:

    a mi no me molan, pero se que el nuevo de art brut corre ya por ahí, un forero que no escribe lo tiene pero no lo quiere colgar porque lo ha sacao de una web molona que no quiere que descubrais para colgarse el las medallas.

    Tinxo, lleva desde ayer colgado en el post del grupo!

  • @Breed:2y7u1dub:


    a mi no me molan, pero se que el nuevo de art brut corre ya por ahí, un forero que no escribe lo tiene pero no lo quiere colgar porque lo ha sacao de una web molona que no quiere que descubrais para colgarse el las medallas.

    Tinxo, lleva desde ayer colgado en el post del grupo!

    ves como no me interesa, ni me habia pasado por el hilo del grupo…

    te lo pasó a ti el forero chusquero?

    Pekhitas, esos tampoco me interesan, yo solo le pido el nuevo de Young

  • @Trinxo:gq2c1zvf:

    te lo pasó a ti el forero chusquero?

    Jaja, no exactamente.

  • @Trinxo:v4ijc0v6:

    a mi no me molan, pero se que el nuevo de art brut corre ya por ahí, un forero que no escribe lo tiene pero no lo quiere colgar porque lo ha sacao de una web molona que no quiere que descubrais para colgarse el las medallas.

    El de Art brut Vs. Satan (2009):


  • alguna amable persona conserva link del nuevo de los GRIZZLY BEAR?


  • @chokebore:1hnoj5x4:

    alguna amable persona conserva link del nuevo de los GRIZZLY BEAR?



  • Bark Cat Bark - Á Lífi

    Clásica / Folk / Pop francés (sólo instrumental)
    Un poco a lo Yann Tiersen y eso.

  • bastante chungo el disco de art brut.

  • @-Toxinho-:y36hc43j:

    Daniel Johnston - Daniel Johnston At Home Live


    Daniel Johnston performing at his parents' home in Waller, Texas circa 1999. Daniel Johnston At Home Live was released digitally on February 25th, 2009.

    Johnston performs some of his lesser-known material in addition to a few of his more popular songs. This album has the feel and sound of some of his earlier home-recorded material, albeit under different circumstances. Because it is in that same vein, it shows Johnston at his most heart-wrenching, as well his most impressive. His torment and his pain are very real, and anyone who questions Daniel Johnston's genuineness is either a liar or a fool. I enjoyed this album immensely, as I do Daniel Johnston's entire catalogue, because if nothing else, it shows that despite his trials and tribulations, he hasn't lost an ounce of the creativity and child-like intensity that makes him so idiosyncratically brilliant. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.

    Luego subo el nuevo de Jeniferever

    GRAN DE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**

  • se me ocurrió colgar el de Daniel Johnston en mi blog y quería compartir con ustedes la linda amenaza por parte de sus abogados.


    Dear author(s)/editor(s) on Flamingmilk Blogspot:

    It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of the copyrighted work entitled "Daniel Johnston at Home LIVE" (the "Work") by allowing a download link to Mediafire for the complete album of mp3s in your review for free.

    Providing a link to illegally download the album which appears on your web site at ... 20Johnston and as a user on MediaFire at : is clearly a violation of copyright as you do not have permission to do so. Mediafire has been informed of this violation as well as Blogger.

    You neither asked for nor received permission to distribute copies of it. Therefore, I believe you have willfully infringed my/Daniel Johnston's/and his publishers rights under 17 USC Section 101, et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $100,000.

    I demand that you immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works. If I have not received an affirmative response from you by Thursday March 12 2009 indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, or if the download link is still available, I shall consider taking the full legal remedies available to rectify this situation.

    Instead of linking to the files illegally at MediaFire, if you would like to post a link to the albums on iTunes from the article title directed to: ... 5&s=143441 or to, I will consider such a change to your title link as an act of compliance.

    Stephen Tompkins LLC

    Luego agrega…


    RE: Daniel Johnston at Home Live:

    Providing a link to a 'copy' of these artists' albums and then writing the disclaimer that you have on this blog is not a way around the fact that you are the source of the the links to download these albums (to MediaFire). In basic copyright law, providing a link to download free files without the permission of the copyright holder or artist/musician is providing an illegal copy of the artistic work, and is a violation of copyright law. If you have any respect for the artists that you feature in reviews on your site, you will understand that such free downloads does not help the artist as there is no way to track the 'good faith' policy you use as your "disclaimer", i.e. to delete the music 24 hours after listening. While a nice suggestion, it would not hold up as a defense in court. The fact remains that you are providing the download, and hence are providing free and unauthorized 'copies' of albums without permission of the copyright holders. This by very definition is copyright infringement.

    Mediafire, including Daniel Johnston and his management and music publishers/copyright holders have been notified that you have posted a link to their server for free download of his album and the files on their server will most likely be removed.

    … me late más el Web Sheriff, no es tan violento

  • Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix . 2009