Filtraciones '09

  • Why? y Yo la Tengo!!! Esto es empezar un lunes como dios manda! Para que luego el Trinxo se queje…

  • Menos mal que salía un cassette en la portada del de YLT, sino Pelukas no lo filtra ;)

  • @Pelukini:2q08vth2:

    Yo La Tengo - Popular Songs

    "and the glitter is gone" se me hizo eterno e infernal en su directo y en su disco, el resto del álbum me gusta bastante.

  • Ole que manera de alegrar un lunes con el de YLT. Gracias!

  • Buena forma de regresar de las vacaciones. Así se hace un lunes más llevadero.

  • @HDMI:1xma6yvl:

    Aqui tienes!

    Es un enlace un poco rarito pero parece que funciona.


  • Why? y Yo La Tengo… juju.

  • Yo la tengo Cuando vuelva a casa ya tengo que escuchar xD

  • The Octopus Project - Golden Beds Ep

  • Ole Pelukas !!!

  • Oh! que grandes discos!!! muchas gracias por los links

  • Lo primero dar las gracias por los discos y lo segundo lo nuevo de Yo la tengo es magnífico por lo menos asín de sopetón

  • Cracks de las filtraciones, el nuevo de L'altra "Telepathic" debe andar por ahí, hasta el 3 de agosto no me lo podré descargar, lo he intentado con el de Yola pero casi que paso. Si ya esta filtrado lo siento.

  • Bygones - by- [Sargent House, 2009]


    Of all the correspondence I pretend to receive for the sake of introductory sentences, the most commonly expressed concern is my lack of new-music coverage. “Ho-ho, whassamatta?” no one snarkily expectorates. “Too old to tongue-kiss anything waxed, loosed, or laser’d after Moby’s Play?” Let me assure that nonexistent detractor I feel his imaginary pain. So today I’ll rave about an album that won’t be out until August 4, courtesy of the artisans at Sargent House. How’s that for new?

    Bygones are a pair of sinewy gents who rock with their caulk guns ready to seal rhythms tighter than the hip pocket of an emo tween. You might recognize Zach Hill from Hella. At least I do. I love those guys, two ne’er-do-wells thrashing a racket like an ear-scrub with industrial-strength algebra. I’m not as familiar with Bygones bandmate Nick Reinhart, an alleged triple-threat in his own malice unit, Tera Melos, but that will be rectified soon. As an English freak, the “math rock” moniker turns my nutsac a putrid crimson, but if the numbers game was this bracing I’d have let mathematicians wire abacuses with my viscerae years ago.

    I’ve heard their super-duo debut, by-, and love it to pieces (literally; I used the shrapnel to carve a heart o’er my soul). But I must sit tight on my crush until closer to release day. No, no — the burden is mine.

    This I will divulge: It’s hard to describe the music they make, ’cause there’s so damn much of it. Most bands are perfectly happy playing one song at a time, satisfied with upstanding structures of tried-and-true verse/chorus/verse, catchy hooks, and see-ya fadeout. Bygones, on the other hand, back a truck up to the studio and dump everything through the roof. Why play one number straight when you can thread another 92 through it and draw blood?

    Nick’s guitar precision at such astonishing velocities is incredible and intense. He wrenches jagged thorns of noise from his grumpy beast and slams them into each other with angry-mob aggression while Zach on drums drinks and drives with nary a thought for his own safety. I worry for Nick’s own well-being on “Nu Cringe” when he shovels through his six-string into his ribcage then back out his spinal column like he’s taking an alternate route to his wallet.

    It isn’t all frantic, of course. There are tiny delights. For instance, the squooshy synth squeezes that open “Fool Evolved” with the same trenchcoat-degenerate glee that majestically telegraphed those sequences in Crown-International sexploitation flickers where the cheerleader conquers the gas man.

    All told, by- illustrates what the band’s all about: wresting sublimity from chaos, like in its cover shot of the Dirty Projectors’ Amber Coffman commencing scarf on a drippy Sloppy Joe. There’s a precision in this filling mess that’s good to the goopy last drop.

  • Six organs of admittance - Luminous night (drag city 2009)


    "…What is it about the man that buries his sound in the ground? He has faith in the earth, for one. When we think of Six Organs of Admittance, we think of a man with six-string ambitions, a rambler with mystic beliefs and dark electric visions. It’s a big universe and we’re only human, which basically means that we’ve got spirit and that were going to die. But until then, we live. Six Organs of Admittance has lived to tell about it on Luminous Night.
    Six Organs of Admittance have been watching you listening to them for ten years now. Change is constant. Six Organs of Admittance is your secret friend. You will meet soon, in the glow of a night’s performance." drag city


  • Portugal… muy bonito

    *aviso para navegantes: si es usted dronero no reproduzca este archivo, podría sufrir un repentino ataque de epilepsia.

  • Bien bien, six organs y a ver que tal Bygones

    Nisennenmondai - fan

    Scorn - In The Margins 12'' [2009, Record Label Records] Industrial / Dubstep / Dark

    Este tio es una mina!

    All Killer: Finders Keepers Records 1-20 Mixed By The Gaslamp Killer psyche beats / sample archaeology / rare nuggets

    The Gaslamp Killer - My Troubled Mind EP

  • Toma Pelukas, para que completes tu colección del Robert

    Robert Pollard-Elephant Jokes

  • gracias.

    con lo que llevamos de año ya ha sacado 2 como robert pollard, 1 como circus devil, 1 con Boston Spaceships y con el 3 apunto de salir, 1 con richard Davies con el nuevo proyecto Cosmos…