Dröner Kebab
vigila no te pierdas que se ve muy oscuro. marca el camino con unas piedras por si acaso.
James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - The Watchers
Ep!, nuevo disco de Pan•American a la vista!
implodes / recurring dream (kranky, 2013)
The band Implodes has, on their previous albums, tapped into the deep psychic recesses where our sonic memories first took shape. They have played the part of the ancient ancestor, lying submerged in the shallows, waiting to make its gambit onto dry land and into a new world. With their new album, Recurring Dream, Implodes breathes fresh air. Melodies that were once distant echoes are now suffused with energy and clarity of purpose, submerged rhythms now walk in the light of day. Implodes does not, however, eschew its heritage. Heaviness abounds. The band has not abandoned the crushing pressure of the deep, dark places. But Recurring Dream breaches the thin membrane that contained its previous efforts and preys unmolested in its new environment. There has always been an organic component to Implodes' music, and not just because the band is comprised of humans. Its music is tied to those very earliest of our sonic traditions, to the sounds of Earth and space and deep water and simple machines. Recurring Dream is about waking up in the dark and witnessing the slow birth of consciousness, still tethered to fantasies and nightmares, and walking into the unknown.
Nace en Sevilla un nuevo sello: Knockturne Records, con dos referencias ya en la calle:
KTR001: JACOB meets BLOOMING LÁTIGO (cd - 300 copias)
http://www.mediafire.com/?8agkltiw4ra3e9y ```[Compra](http://www.knockturnerecords.com/knockturnerecords/KTR001.html:2bikl2gb) en la web Tres temas extraídos del disco ‘_Esfínteres y Faquires_’ de **Blooming Látigo**, inclasificable grupo que no sigue el camino marcado por nadie, y que han pasado por el filtro y la visión musical de **Jacob**, el nuevo proyecto de David Cordero (**Úrsula**) y Marco Serrato (**Orthodox**). El resultado han sido canciones oscuras, abrasivas y desquiciantes que conjugan la base rítmica y potencia vocal de Blooming Látigo con las texturas, el _noise_ y la amenazadora atmósfera de Jacob. Un trabajo excepcional masterizado por **James Plotkin** (Khanate, SunnO))), O.L.D.) KTR002: **ORTHODOX** "Der Fliegende Holländer" (cassette - 100 copias) 
Este trío no necesita presentación: una de las mejores bandas que han salido de España en los últimos tiempos. Esta nueva grabación de los “avant-doomsters” fue realizada durante el concierto que dieron en la sala Der Fliegende Holländer en noviembre de 2012\. **Tres temas en directo** que recogen la cara más intimista y experimental de la banda, alejándose de los cánones establecidos y buscando su propio camino. Este nuevo cassette, limitado a 100 **copias numeradas a mano y firmadas por la propia banda**, contiene **una nueva canción, El Aullador**, donde se refleja una continuación de Ábrase la Tierra de su último disco ‘Baal’ y que ha contado con la colaboración de David Cordero (Jacob, Úrsula). También incluye los ya conocidos Con Sangre de Quien te Ofenda y Templos de su disco ‘Amanecer en Puerta Oscura’. [Web](http://www.knockturnerecords.com:2bikl2gb) del sello [Bandcamp](http://knockturnerecords.bandcamp.com:2bikl2gb) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/KnockturneRecords:2bikl2gb) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Knockturne_Rec:2bikl2gb) Contacto: [info@knockturnerecords.com](mailto:info@knockturnerecords.com)
Sightings - Terribly Well
The noise rock parade that defies definition, set out on a mission of pure volume worship that is the post-decade pilgrimage of NY-based SIGHTINGS. After eight instinctive albums, the Sightings guys show no mercy with endless annihilation of their newest material on Terribly Well. All parts destruction measured against their abrasive songwriting. Jagged, collapsing rhythm based mayhem, guitars that can be mistaken as a freight train being ripped for scrap metal, only to be held together with panic stricken bass patterns that keep their voice from the edge of insanity. An accessible album for the unacceptable make this their finest to date. Each song saws through the humanity, taking no hostages with this hectic industrial rock masterpiece.
Esta noche estarán en Madrid y mañana en Barcelona!
Ninguna broma
dan, con este se te van a erizar hasta los tarzanetes:
lubomyr melnyk / corollaries (erased tapes, 2013)
With Nils Frahm and Peter Broderick such formidable presences on the kooky German’s label, the fear for Lubomyr Melnyk’s Corollaries - which features both – might have been that the lyrical beauty of the Ukrainian composer’s pianism would seem secondary to the soundscapes defined by his better known labelmates. Happily, at times gloriously, this album demonstrates Melnyk’s extraordinary skill through the sensitive and never dominant vocal and string contributions of Broderick, and through Frahm’s intelligent mastering and mixing.
aidan baker / already drowning (gizeh, 2013)
Already Drowning, a song-cycle inspired by various myths & folktales about female water spirits, marks something of a departure for Aidan Baker. While still retaining his trademark sense of ambience & texture, the tracks on this album are much more structured & song-oriented, embracing a minimalist post-rock, slowcore style & featuring a different guest vocalist on each track.
Guest Vocalists: Clara Engel, Jessica Baillif, Valérie Niederoest &Maude Oswald (of Toboggan), Joanna Kupnicka (aka Ria Grün, of The Cold Hand), Geneviève Castrée (aka Ô Paon), Liz Hysen (of Picastro), & Carla Bozulich (of Evangelista, The Geraldine Fibbers).
Sí, ya ví que Erased Tapes lo había fichado (lleva tocando el piano desde los 70), estoy contando los segundos para llegar a casa y escucharlo.
Ep!, nuevo disco de Pan•American a la vista!
Aquí lo tienes pelukas
Pan•American - Cloud Room, Glass Room
Ufffff, que fino!!! Gracias!!!
Muy fan toda la vida de Labradford, ya estoy mojando sólo con los primeros segundos del disco.
Lo colgué en electrónica, pero aquí está mejor.
Loscil - Intervalo
una pena que no incluya el tracklist
Gracias Bruce por el de lubomyr melnyk, preciosidad de disco.
Svarte Greiner - Black Tie (miasmah)
streaming: https://soundcloud.com/miasmah/sets/sva ... -black-tie
te doy mis dies si funca la medisina
Está mal que yo lo diga, pero… en casa desde hace días ;P
http://www.twosteprecords.es/un poco de spam al año no hace daño, más daño hace el recortar y esto es un no parar!
Yo lo dejo en descarga por aquí
Svarte Greiner - Black Tie
Un par de cositas más
Ólafur Arnalds - Broadchurch OST
Max Richter - Disconnect OST
Ensemble Pearl – Ensemble Pearl (Drag City, 2013)
Ensemble Pearl is a new group on Drag City that has really made a presence on our radar this year with their self titled full length release last month. Consisting of Stephen O’Malley (Sunn O)))), Atsuo (Boris), Michio Kurihara (Ghost) and William Herzog along with special guests Eyvind Kang and Timba Harris, Ensemble Pearl presents a caliginous terrain that is clouded in descending melodies, unhinged feedback, growling drones and delayed patterns of desolate percussion. Cascades of other worldly cosmic elements wash over these states of drone for abstract musings into the outer reaches of the universe. Where many albums look to create structures that attach verse, chorus, bridge, etc, Ensemble Pearl are searching for a higher truth in their communication musically. Every note is pouring with emotion, drained of all life by the time each track is finished. Ensemble Pearl has been primarily produced and written by Sunn O))) alumni Stephen O’Malley, a visionary of the creative world that has already left behind a massive body of work. The identity of every player is really taken into account and expressed with clarity from beginning to end. This record is entirely about the whole regardless of the producer and writer credits attributed. ….