Filtraciones '10

  • @mantecaína:1kyoulev:

    cómo chanan los Girls Names estos (yuju, gracias!)

    estos los propuse yo hace unos días para nuestro escenario, a por ellos!

  • Un poquito de psicodelia japonesa para la mañana del lunes

    Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O. - In 0 to ∞

  • estoy descargando esto ahora mismo:

    Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Records

  • el de Broken Social Scene es el bueno, al menos las 3 primeras son ellos


  • ¿pero qué pasa? ¿pero qué invento es este? me chivan que el disco de Los Planetas ya está a la venta en alguna que otra tienda de la calle tallers (you know who you are) y aún no hay una filtración.. ¿cómo demonys es posible?

  • Pues algun fan que le quede cerca se lo podria comprar y subirlo al mediafire. Y ya puestos si es en FLAC, mejor que mejor.

    Por pedir que no quede.

  • @poppie:3afpaxaw:

    ¿pero qué pasa? ¿pero qué invento es este? me chivan que el disco de Los Planetas ya está a la venta en alguna que otra tienda de la calle tallers (you know who you are) y aún no hay una filtración.. ¿cómo demonys es posible?

    Básicamente Revolver, llegaron 15 copias de la edición especial el sábado. Yo no compré.

  • The Sadies-Darker Circles ( Yep Roc Records 2010.)

    The Sadies Explore ‘Darker Circles’ May 18th.

    Canadian rockers The Sadies will release Darker Circles May 18, 2010 via Yep Roc Records.

    Darker Circles is the follow-up to their acclaimed last album New Seasons and sees guitarist brothers Dallas and Travis Good, drummer Mike Belitsky and bassist Sean Dean again pair with legendary Jayhawk and sought-after producer Gary Louris. Furthering the focused songwriting and recording aspirations reached on New Seasons, The Sadies bring their signature blend of country, psychedelic, rock and surf into rifle scope focus on Darker Circles, further underscoring their reputations as musicians' musicians. The album was recorded in one marathon twelve day session at the 'Bathhouse' studio and five more at Toronto's Woodshed.

    Always at the top of the list when discussing musical chops and live intensity, The Sadies are now more intent than ever on making their mark as songwriters. It's an intent that comes naturally says Travis Good, "It's not conscious. Nothing is planned when it comes to The Sadies. We're just better players and we did more homework this time."

    The fuzz-drenched garage-psych cut 'Another Year' leads off the album and lyrically stands as the conceptual archetype for the whole album dealing with desolation, love and abandonment. One can't help but notice an air of soul-searching on Darker Circles, as Mike Stax says in his liner notes, "There's a haunting, spiritual quality to songs like 'Cut Corners,' 'Tell Her What I Said,' 'Whispering Circles' and 'The Quiet One;' ghosts of regret and lost love reverberate softly between the vocals and guitars or 'drift like whispers that echo in your mind.'"

    In one turn as heavy as a sledge, and in another flitting across melodies with the ease of so many sparrows, The Sadies prove once again that denying them now is simply prolonging your conversion. So go on, pull up that screeching wooden chair that bows with your weight. Slide it up next to the turntable and drop the needle, The Sadies are a sure thing…tomorrow isn't.

  • GOLD PANDA - You EP (Notown Records 2010)

  • LCD Soundsystem – This Is Happening (2010)


  • edit: jackster puta.

  • Era broma o es que se han cargado el enlace? Gracias por el del Murphy de todas.

  • @Talleres:134dy454:

    Era broma o es que se han cargado el enlace? Gracias por el del Murphy de todas.


    **Listado De Canciones:**
    - Para que no rompan el lnk, la bajada no lleva información. Hay que ir al
    **Añadidas recientemente** y ponerse a escribir.

  • Gracias, majo.

  • El anterior en Kill Rock Stars estaba bastante bien, a ver qué tal…

    Horse Feathers – Thistled Spring (2010)

    Folk, Lo-fi… anda Peter Broderick por ahí metido (al menos en el anterior)

  • @Pelukini:rxten3p4:

    LCD Soundsystem – This Is Happening (2010)

    por fin! gracias, a ver qué tal la despedida y cierre

    edit: me recuerda al Razzmatazz la portada –>

  • @Kanchelskis:36tu14ew:

    por fin! gracias, a ver qué tal la despedida y cierre

    Merci pelukas. ¿Se sabe por qué ocupa 155mb? Muchas canciones??

  • @Pelukini:3ea5xw1a:

    LCD Soundsystem – This Is Happening (2010)

    Re up:```

  • Psychedelic Horseshit - Acid Tape CS [Fan Death, 2010]


    On 19th April we will be releasing ACID TAPE by the musical group Psychedelic Horseshit. Acid is arguably the best representation what 'shitgaze' is and is not in 2010. Though, one could also say, this isn't 'shitgaze' at all. Acid blurs all the lines once laid down by the stupid media bastardization of 'shitgaze' and in the end blows those lines away away. Songs on Acid jump from what seems to be layers of guitar, pretty ambience, and drum machine manipulation ("Unseen Voids"), to dub experiments ("Hard As It Gets"). Acid ends with "Bleak Vactions", a full blown Velvets jam that pushes Psychedelic Horseshit beyond any label record dorks and critics want to give em. This is some of the best, challenging, and realized stuff Psychedelic Horseshit has recorded yet. You might ask yourself,"Was this recorded on acid?". Who knows for sure.