Filtraciones '10

  • Zach Hill – Face Tat (2010)
    ```2º disco del ex-Hella con colaboraciones de Devendra Banhart, No Age, Prefuse 73…

  • Yuju!

  • sorpresa!

    Schwarz "Espíritus del desierto, yo os invoco"


    rock psicodèlico; rock espacial; krautrock

  • esta chica, tal com raja: EP con tres temas nuevos, más los dos sueltos que ya colgó en su myspace en agosto y septiembre. Y, para suerte nuestra, mantiene la forma.

    Computer Magic "Hiding from more of our time" EP


    pop electrónico espacial

  • (ERROR)

  • El nuevo de Royal Baths en Woodsist, lo que había escuchado hasta ahora de ellos mola mucho.
    A ver este que tal. ... s.rar.html

    "2010 release from the San Francisco-based Indie Rockers. Royal Baths haven't had it easy. In a city where Garage Rock reigns supreme and new bands form and fade away with the blink of an eye, it's tough to get noticed unless your songs can satisfy Punk Rock attention spans. But with four- to six-minute tracks and slow, methodical drum beats, Royal Baths have won their way into the hearts of even the most raucous audiences--a testament to both the ability that San Franciscans have to recognize talent when they see it, and also to the incredible music and spectacle that the Royal Baths have created"


  • @exiliado:29qtpdpi:

    El nuevo de Royal Baths en Woodsist, lo que había escuchado hasta ahora de ellos mola mucho.
    A ver este que tal. ... s.rar.html

    "2010 release from the San Francisco-based Indie Rockers. Royal Baths haven't had it easy. In a city where Garage Rock reigns supreme and new bands form and fade away with the blink of an eye, it's tough to get noticed unless your songs can satisfy Punk Rock attention spans. But with four- to six-minute tracks and slow, methodical drum beats, Royal Baths have won their way into the hearts of even the most raucous audiences--a testament to both the ability that San Franciscans have to recognize talent when they see it, and also to the incredible music and spectacle that the Royal Baths have created"


    vale, ese esta protegido y no encuentro la clave, esta va bien

  • @Zackchill:718gzc9y:

    Marnie Stern – Marnie Stern [Kill Rock Stars, 2010]


    Marnie Stern the album mirrors Marnie Stern, the woman. Birthed during a challenging period in her life, the self-titled Marnie Stern is a compendium of life stories both bitter and sweet.

    From ballads to her signature pop guitar-tapping style, Stern and long-time co-conspirator Zach Hill have churned out (for lack of a better word) an enormous album that will further cement Stern as a rising star in today’s progressive music landscape. Stern also enlists the bass talents of psych-rock Canadian musician Matthew Flegel (of the band Women & boyfriend of Stern) and up-and-coming mixer Lars Stalfors (Mars Volta, Funeral Party) resulting in Stern stepping up her sonic game and revealing a mature and more focused side of herself. “I wanted to pay more attention to the delicate and subtly layered spaces in between sound and just make things louder and fuller where I didn’t on my last 2 records.” When asked to sum her album up she maintains, “It’s direct and honest and real. I’m no longer taking cover under guitar lines or yelping vocals.”

    Marnie’s third and latest LP, while clearly containing her strongest songs ever, had its fumbles on the way to the finish line. She laughs when describing how the initial recording files were lost and ultimately retrieved through a series of trials-by-fire (upon which many a cigarette was lit) and in one complete statement, she quips: “Holy Doodle!” You will find both the artist and the album to be brighter, louder, and bustling with confidence as the end result.

    Clearly, Marnie Stern’s life and music are not easily separated; which is why Marnie Stern the record and Marnie Stern the person have REAL personality. Upon hearing her last two albums, In Advance of the Broken Arm (2007) and This Is It And I Am It And You Are It And So Is That And He Is It And She Is It And It Is It And That Is That (2008), it’s quite evident that Stern lives in between the lines of chaos and harmony. While Stern’s previous efforts garnered much critical acclaim, highlighting Stern’s dexterity with both guitar playing and songwriting, she still remains the underdog of contemporary celebrated female musicians.

    Three albums into her career, this certainly leaves her exposed. Yet, within that exposure, we find something more relatable and familiar to us all; vulnerability and resilience. And with this collection of songs, all you hear is…Marnie Stern…which is destined for greatness.

    Alguien sería tan amable de hacer un re-up? gracias

  • lo llevas:

  • gracias Zack

  • Ya habian dejado el nuevo de Third Eye Foundation "The Dark"?

    esta super belo! la mejor cosa del 2010…

    Lots of love!

  • Kurt Wagner & Cortney Tidwell Present KORT - Invariable Heartache (2010)

    Spectrals - Extended Play E.P (2010)

  • creo que este no se puso en su momento:

    Dávila 666 - 12" ep [Rob´s House, 2010]


    davila 666 are in full-on take no prisoners mode. we asked them for a couple songs for a 7" and what we got was 5 near perfect pop anthems that would never fit on a 7". of course we wanted them all so we threw them on a 12" and what youre getting is probably their best release to date. these songs are instantly addicting but unlike other puerto rican imports consumption is no crime, it's encouraged! on top of that their live show is one of the best around and their constant touring has left a path of amazed fans. its no wonder that when we booked the atlanta mess around the legendary urinals asked specifically not to be placed after davila 666 in the lineup!! who in their right mind would want to follow davila 666? …better to follow 'em with a shot of something equally strong

    y aprovecho para pedir valoraciones de los directos recientes del funtastic y de barcelona

  • administrators

    yo sólo pude ver los tres primeros temas de su bolo en Barcelona y mu rico la verdad

  • Ya se pueden descargar desde bandcamp las dos primeras referencias de Nosotros los Rusos:

    Kokoshca - Y vienen cromos en el pegamento (Las rarezas de Kokoshca) Cassette {nlr 001}

    Tastiera - What Before How CDr {nlr 002}

  • a ésta la conocéis:

    Zola Jesus "Valusia" EP

  • @laser-beam:1btb9y81:

    Ya habian dejado el nuevo de Third Eye Foundation "The Dark"?

    esta super belo! la mejor cosa del 2010…

    Lots of love!

    ¡¡Brutal recuerdo del Tanned Tin!!

  • Para seguidores de los Mountain Goats, nueva formación de su cantante.

    The Extra Lens – Undercard

  • De hecho es un proyecto que ya lleva años en marcha, antes llamado The Extra Glenns. Su "Martial Arts Weekend" no está nada mal.

  • EL NUEVO LP DE ANBB (Alva Noto + Blixa Bargeld) - Mimikry

    qué nervios este sábado a Neubauten iiiggggggigiiiiiigggg!!!

    "Mimikry is the product of a long-mooted collaboration between electronic prodigy Alva Noto, aka Carsten Nicolai, and Einstürzende Neubauten founder and former Bad Seeds guitarist Blixa Bargeld. As if such a match wasn't enough, two tracks feature the vocals of artist, model and actor Veruschka. Idiosyncratic in subject matter and by turns melodic, forlorn and disturbingly intense, Mimikry is a masterpiece that will surely prove to be this year's most fascinating alliance"