Filtraciones '10

  • Mil gracias pero me dice "temporarily unavailable".


    EDIT: retiro lo dicho, parece que ha funcionado.

  • Recorded last year in Los Angeles, New York and London, and produced by longtime collaborator and former Pere Ubu keyboardist Eric Drew Feldman, the Pixies frontman’s latest album features 10 new, supposedly sexually charged songs, plus a cover of the Flying Burrito Brothers’ “Wheels” thrown in to boot.

  • Teenage Fanclub - Baby Lee (2010) single.


    **Bon Iver & Peter Gabriel – Flume / Come Talk To Me 7″ (2010)**

  • Marina Gallardo - Some Monsters Die and Others Return

  • Against Me! – White Crosses (2010)


    Post punk, new wave.


  • B&B, pero lo que me inquieta son las etiquetas, post punk, new wave…esto solía ser punk rock con raíces folk y barbas, y tatuajes, ahora no se que es, un poco de coolcore, sonemos en la radio, aquellos maravillosos años.

    ¿Alguien ha visto por ahí li(f)e de Sage Francis?, ganacas.

  • alguien tiene el disco de MARANGES???


  • Mark Sultan - $ (2010)


    MARK SULTAN is back. A long-time fixture in the garage-rock scene since fronting infamous Montreal punk band, The Spaceshits. Further projects like Les Sexareenos, BBQ, Mind Controls, The King Khan & BBQ Show and The Almighty Defenders helped spearhead the modern garage-rock and doo-wop movement. These days he is best known as the 'BBQ' half of The King Khan & BBQ Show or as a member of The Almighty Defenders

  • Castevet - The echo & the light [Big Scary Monsters, 2010]


    Después de su increíble debut "Summer Fences" en 2009, esta banda de Chicago vuelve con ganas de ponernos la piel de gallina. Melodías a lo American Football, atmósferas post-rockeras y guiños guitarreros al math-rock.

    Iinfluencias:ghosts and vodka, colossal, braid, appleseed cast, casket lottery, small brown bike, american football, dianogah.

  • kole en Hong Kong tomándose un zumito. Venga coño, menos salir con las blancanieves, spiderman y black santas y más curro, ostias.

  • Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs – Medicine County (2010) @ 128


    On their third studio album, Medicine County, Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs find the sweet spot somewhere between swanky twang and acoustic charm. One might not imagine a seasoned British singer-songwriter as the best candidate to take on classic American folk tunes like “Jack O’ Diamonds” or “Blood on the Saddle.” However, with the help of equally enigmatic bandmate Lawyer Dave, Holly Golightly produces music that both sounds authentic and exudes confidence in expanding on and reinventing old standards.

    If the male-female harmonies and romping folk-rock on this record remind you of middle era White Stripes, don’t be alarmed. In fact, Holly Golightly collaborated with Jack and Meg on Elephant. In this case, the female vocalist is at the helm and Lawyer Dave can’t quite achieve that Jack White squeal, but the similarities are there. Nevertheless, the two prove their range with more ethereal tracks like “Dearly Departed.” On “When He Comes,” they demonstrate an instrumental and technical prowess as well. What initially seem like fairly formulaic riffs morph into a soundscape of banjo and slide guitar samples that punctuate the otherwise simple tune with more complex rhythmic schemes.

    Considering their supposed distance from the type of music they make, it’s easy to pass off Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs as a glorified cover band. As soon as you can get over the novelty, though, you should be pleasantly surprised. With some good old-fashioned ingenuity, the band outdoes the nameless Brooklyn folk outfits and innumerable tongue-in-cheek bowties with some genuinely decent music.


    _Proyecto con toque medio teatral de Amanda Palmer e invitados… y, sí, la hija de Cobain ronda por ahí.

  • Dosh - Tommy

  • Frog Eyes – Paul’s Tomb: A Triumph

    au yeh!


    Alligator es mi canción favorita del último disco de Tegan & Sara y aunque 17 remixes pueda ser excesivo aparecen buenas mezclas. Colaboran Passion Pit, Four Tet, VHS or Beta, Holy Fuck, Toro & Moi, Ra Ra Riot, etc.

  • @nick:

    Mark Sultan - $ (2010)


    MARK SULTAN is back. A long-time fixture in the garage-rock scene since fronting infamous Montreal punk band, The Spaceshits. Further projects like Les Sexareenos, BBQ, Mind Controls, The King Khan & BBQ Show and The Almighty Defenders helped spearhead the modern garage-rock and doo-wop movement. These days he is best known as the 'BBQ' half of The King Khan & BBQ Show or as a member of The Almighty Defenders

    Se puede un re-up? Que el link ya está muerto…
    Gracias de antemano!

  • un veterano:

    Graham Parker "Imaginary Television"


    rock de melodías

  • Damien Jurado - St. Bartlett


    Damien Jurado is mostly known for singing bleak tales of heartache in his threadbare folk songs. But things have changed a bit on Saint Bartlett. Here Jurado teams up with fellow Secretly Canadian artist Richard Swift and creates an album with a more expansive, Spector-sized sound. Swift and Jurado recorded the album together in one week at Swift's studio in Oregon, and surprisingly they are the only two players on the record. But the duo don't keep very quiet. Where earlier albums let Jurado's worn voice creak over spare guitar, on this he has to contend with thundering drums and Swift's heavily layered production. So while you may get the same storytelling from Jurado on Saint Bartlett, expect it to be set on a much wider landscape.

  • os voy a ser honestos. No sé qué demonios es esto, pero es de Ribot y Medeski, así que creo que merece una oportunidad:

    Marc Ribot & John Medeski "РАЗИНРИМИЛЕВ"


    rock experimental

    edit: descargado y escuchado –> bastante rockero...y balcánico!

  • Re-up Mark Sultan