Filtraciones '11
recupero el post del disco de Julianna Barwick que bruce billis enlazó por el hilo dronero en febrero, y merece reivindicación más amplia en el general. Precioso, precioso, precioso:
julianna barwick - the magic place (asthmatic kitty, 2011) ```@rzhripj9: > NYC singer Julianna Barwick is a master of vocal layering, a technique in which she builds complex, ethereal tunes by interweaving recorded loops of her own voice. The resulting symphony of vocals is otherworldly and transcendental, containing both the beauty and purity of spirit of a children’s choir as well as the abstract structural designs of forward thinking composers like Sigur Ros (or Glass or Eno before them). Call it sublime, angelic, majestic – whatever adjective you find most poignant, chances are it somehow implies Barwick’s ability to create music that seems divinely inspired. > > After teasing us with the short quaff of ambrosia that was last year’s Florine EP, Barwick will release full length debut The Magic Place this Winter. And while Magic only contains three more tracks than Florine, each one averages nearly five minutes long. And in the space of such lengthy tracks Barwick deftly navigates the heavenly heights without the aid of musical instruments other than her voice (and in few instances spare piano and guitar). As a whole, The Magic Place is as fully resplendent as its predecessor. And in parts, surprisingly, the songs stand up on their own as well. Where Barwick’s self imposed limitations could have have easily resulted in a monotonous listen, the nine tracks of The Magic Place contain enough uniqueness to keep them distinct. > > Bar wick displays repetitive cadences of low/high vocals that sound somewhat African inspired in tracks like ‘Envelop,” and titular “Magic Place.” Other tracks are harder to place, with piano and guitar accompanied “Bob in Your Gait” taking on a dream-pop lilt or “Keep Up The Good Work,” and “Cloak,” which both convey a Northern European sense of cold sobriety. And “White Flag” seems a bit like all of the above – it’s an ebullient orchestration packed to the brim with rich vocal strands of all colors and stripes. Bar wick touches on minimalism as well as its opposite, often in the space of a single tune, and throughout her simply astonishing vocal range never betrays her aspirations. > > Quite frankly, next to The Magic Place’s soul-wrenching melodies and the implicit talent behind their orchestration, most other music simply seems trite and unambitious. Though the critics have yet to weigh in on The Magic Place’s technical dissection, this listener for one has already been willingly swept of his feet. > > — Jon Behm estilo: ambient / vocal layering [](rzhripj9)
Maria Minerva
Cabaret Cixous
[2011, Not Not Fun]
@6godb0o4:hipnagogic pop
Screaming Trees – Last Words: The Final Recordings (2011)
No necesita mucha presentacion. La añorada banda de Mark Lanegan, saca de sus archivos lo que iba a ser la continuación a 'Dust', pero que nunca se llegó a editar, ya que el grupo se rompio en pedazos.
Han asegurado que no van a reunirse ni volver a girar, pero si asi fuera, al menos nos quedara este testamento.
por aquí uno de vacaciones que ha llegado tarde…podría ser alguien tan amable de re-subir alguno de estos 2?
Gillian Welch
The Harrow & The HarvestMatt Valentine - What I Became (2011) (folk rock,MV&EE)
Muchísmas gracias amigos!! y felices vacaciones para que las tengan, las hayan tenido o las vayan a disfrutar proximamente...ya huelo la playa
Aquellos que gusten de fuertes sonoridades, tupá tupá pero con corazón, con rabia, con emoción, con sinceridad (solo se me ocurre la escena screamo francesa que tan buenos discos nos ha dejado los últimos años, La quiete, My Own Private Alaska, etc, como referencia), Lifetime, Hot Water Music (does somebody gives a shit? ) que escuche a estos imberbes. No más de 20 minutos. No pueden parar. Pura intensidad.
A ver si los ficha Matador y les prestan más caso.Aquí un botón que me ha roto en pedazos últimamente, para los despistados : . Los últimos 40 segundos son un atrapar las entrañas mientras se escapan del cuerpo y te elevas.
I’d rather play dead than play catch up
Because no one really cares all that much
I can’t keep having the same conversations
I look to the floor to keep concentration
focused hard on every single word
my nails are dug deep and my stomach hurts
I am selfish it seems, but I’m trying my best to breathe
hoping you don’t notice as I keep laughingTouché Amoré - Parting the sea between the brightness and me (2011)
En la web oficial podéis descargaros el nuevo proyecto de Chino Moreno de Deftones y Shaun de Far. En esta ocasión es un rollo algo Deftones+Synth
PD: Me ha gustado
Fungi Girls - Some Easy Magic
Lo Fi Pop/Garaje desde Hozac. Suenan bastante bien.
Gillian Welch
The Harrow & The Harvesttremendo disco, cada vez me gusta más esta buena señora, a ver si alguien nos la trae pronto por aquí.
Éstos dice el buscador que no estaban:
Apache Dropout - s/t LP ```_Garage / Psico / Rock_ The Wax Museums - Eye Times
Gillian Welch
The Harrow & The Harvesttremendo disco, cada vez me gusta más esta buena señora, a ver si alguien nos la trae pronto por aquí.
mil gracias…mañana de camino a la terreta voy a disfrutarlo en el coche a todo trapo
The Jayhawks - Mockingbird Time (2011)
es aposta, pero no deja de ser muy fea, pero el vídeo lo mola todo
Video del año de largo.
aguanté 1 minuto sufriendo.
Grande Dan con la recomendación del de touché amoré, una pena que aqui pasen desapercibidos grupos como este…
tags: death metal fusion latina mash-up rock salsa Torreón ... por-favor/
El mix de julio:
Donde se puede oir a Fennesz, The War On Drugs, Ducktails, The Horrors, Eleanor Friedberger, Letting Uo Despite Great Faults, Sons & Daughters, Waters, entre otros.