Primavera Sound vs el Foro 2012

  • I'll just say that ok yes i admit i would like to vote for 2013 so i did flood but on the english part of the forum my posts are normal forum posts (information, questions, discussions, etc…) but i think you're system of Ps vs Foro is a great idea but the way it is organized is terrible ! The Ps vs Foro is a way for the people who go to Primavera to vote for bands they want to see at the festival it's a bit like a country the population vote for a certain type of politique that will then be put in place in the county and it's exactly the same thing here but the only difference here is that you are acting like the first republics with indirect universal suffrage who are probably republics by name but in fact there unfair because only people with experience (many posts) can vote but the problem is that there not the only people who go the festival, that's why it should become more of a real republic were everybody who has a ticket can vote and that everybody has the same importance that would be fair !!!! not your crap system that only lets the top branch of the system vote. Evrybody should be able to vote and don't tell me that it's because it's to complicated to make everyone vote because it's quiet simple for any imformatition to work out a system where you put a name of a band in a box and then at the end it works out wich bands came top. So stop being an idiot and think about the people that can't vote

  • Yo lo mato

  • en español, cojones

  • You start with a wrong promise.

    This is not democracy, this is not Primavera Sound vs People who go to Primavera Sound and want to propose his favourite band to organization

    This is Primavera Sound vs Forum, so we don't need to be democratic. We have made some rules we think that are useful in order to make this opportunity work. If you have any problem with that, it's not our (people who post here) problem.

    You want to enjoy the forum? Ok, behave as it is expected. You are not going to vote for 2012, so take it easy, keep posting and giving your points of view, and then you'll be able to participate in 2013 (if organization still want us to propose some band names).

  • Yes but the Ps vs Foro is the only way to vote, Foro is the way for the people who go and love Ps to make there opinion known. I think you do need to be democratic because we live in a democratic system Primavera doesn't make special zones in front of stages so that more important people can have a better vue everybody gives the same money for tickets (apart from the change in price of tickets) and everybody gets the same advantages in the festival.

    So why do you believe that people with more posts can vote ? and not people that are new ?

  • I give up. I guess reading comprehension is not a problem we suffer only in Spain.

  • this is not a democracy, as gabi said once "democracy is people´s opium"
    this forum works part as a meritocracy and part as a teocracy founded on the holy mistery of coco´s luminescent ass.

  • Joel, the system is what it is, and it is not gonna change for now. As the name says, it is PS vs Foro, not PS vs Festival audience. All these things are actually discussed, and the system we use is the result from all the discussions. Maybe it could be better, but we like the way it is. We don't know whether or not there will be PS vs foro next year, so calm down. We will see once PS12 ends. But please, don't post compulsively because it is annoying and people will get a bad image from you.

    And about PS vs foro, Our work is already done and the only thing we can do for now is waiting news from the organization.

    edito: está claro que escribo bastante más lento en inglés que en españó…

  • Joder, estáis habladores y comprensivos, eh?

    Dónde está el 'a zancochar' o el TIS, y todo eso?
    Os hacéis mayores.

    pd: this forum works part as a meritocracy and part as a teocracy founded on the holy mistery of coco´s luminescent ass al hilo de frases célebres ya

  • @Sir:

    Joel, the system is what it is, and it is not gonna change for now. As the name says, it is PS vs Foro, not PS vs Festival audience. All these things are actually discussed, and the system we use is the result from all the discussions. Maybe it could be better, but we like the way it is. We don't know whether or not there will be PS vs foro next year, so calm down. We will see once PS12 ends. But please, don't post compulsively because it is annoying and people will get a bad image from you.

    And about PS vs foro, Our work is already done and the only thing we can do for now is waiting news from the organization.

    edito: está claro que escribo bastante más lento en inglés que en españó…

    This is what we call a diplomate, thankyou for your answer. I'll stop being a pest to you all and start acting more grown up. I wouldn't say it's a meritocracy really because i would no anything to have a say but i can't. i belive that the system based on experience. you have experience you can vote and thats probably why i don't really like it…..i'm young

    Sorry again

  • seguro que encima luego propone a Radiohead o la reunion de REM…

  • @Joel:

    Fun = 4.22 posts per day
    Joel = 2.71 posts per day

    i'm not the new FUN

    23th Sept update: Joel = 3.40 posts per day

    FUN, watch your ass.

  • Es el ciclo de la vida, todos sabíamos que el relevo iba a llegar.

    Ya lo dijeron sabiamente en ese gran film llamado "Showgirls", siempre hay alguien más joven y más hambriento detrás de ti en las escaleras.

  • @thatcher:3fvi3pzs:

    this is not a democracy, as gabi said once "democracy is people´s opium"
    this forum works part as a meritocracy and part as a teocracy founded on the holy mistery of coco´s luminescent ass.

    You forgot strict adherence to Juche.

  • 38,5 de fiebre y subiendo, no descarto que mi próxima entrada sea en koreano

  • @Joel:


    Joel, the system is what it is, and it is not gonna change for now. As the name says, it is PS vs Foro, not PS vs Festival audience. All these things are actually discussed, and the system we use is the result from all the discussions. Maybe it could be better, but we like the way it is. We don't know whether or not there will be PS vs foro next year, so calm down. We will see once PS12 ends. But please, don't post compulsively because it is annoying and people will get a bad image from you.

    And about PS vs foro, Our work is already done and the only thing we can do for now is waiting news from the organization.

    edito: está claro que escribo bastante más lento en inglés que en españó…

    This is what we call a diplomate, thankyou for your answer. I'll stop being a pest to you all and start acting more grown up. I wouldn't say it's a meritocracy really because i would no anything to have a say but i can't. i belive that the system based on experience. you have experience you can vote and thats probably why i don't really like it…..i'm young

    Sorry again

    Come on, it's painfully easy to understand. The number of posts requirement to vote is a way to avoid people with multiple users to be able to manipulate the results by voting their favourite bands more than once. It can still happen, we know, but it is much less likely now.

    And then, since when the internet is democratic in the sense that someone's opinion is as valid as anyone else's? Every forum on the internet displays number of messages and registration date of all users next to their posts for a reason. When you buy in ebay you rely on sellers with experience and positive feedback to avoid scam as well. So we do the same thing, the Foro relies on users with more experience. It´s not a crime. It´s not a dictatorship. It´s the way we (and many people) work in the net.

    So you are not banned from participating at all. We are simply asking for you to show that you care a bit about the festival and about the forum by posting from time to time. And, for the sake of your own and our own sanity, it would be nice if you didn't interpret this posting requirement as a flooding request. Because it's not.

    I hope you hate us less now. Welcome on board.

  • Best moments ever. Thanks you every people.

  • Dejamos de votar y así no pasan estas cosas.

  • Bueno ahora que ya se ha hecho oficial la sede de Porto, tethor podías intentar sacar adelante alguna propuestilla o votación o …. que por un lado nos entretenga y por otro sirva para aumentar la vinculación al evento de Porto, a modo de empujón.

    Por cierto alguno se va a animar para pegarse una escapada hasta aquí, se que queda mucho, pero apunta alto.

  • habria que abrir el tradicional post de peticiones en el subforo del PS2012.

    De hecho yo tengo 2-3 cositas que me gustaria proponer y que no hice para la votaciones del PS Vs Foro.