Filtraciones '12

  • @baifo:1ky6vnhb:

    el "Homenaje a Morente" de Los Evangelistas está para escuchar: ... 30589.html
    cómo se puede descargar eso?

    me sumo a la peticion

  • @diegogomez:2pzzp0in:


    el "Homenaje a Morente" de Los Evangelistas está para escuchar: ... 30589.html
    cómo se puede descargar eso?

    me sumo a la peticion


  • Buenas chavlaeo, está por ahí el ep the baron, de jamie n commons…

  • @poppie:2hv0vq21:



    el "Homenaje a Morente" de Los Evangelistas está para escuchar: ... 30589.html
    cómo se puede descargar eso?

    me sumo a la peticion


    y yo….que se me están poniendo los dientes largos....

  • @lamacq:rw2dm1xm:


    se acepta otra peticion?
    los cds dobles de la serie "integral" de reediciones de dominique a,
    con versiones remasterizadas y cd con bonus en cada uno.

    escuchando en spotify suenan de la ostia…


  • Gracias Toxinho.

  • VVAA Mojo "The Songs of Leonard Cohen Covered"


    01. Suzanne (Field Music)
    02. Master Song (Emily Barker And The Red Clay Halo)
    03. Winter Lady (Palace songs)
    04. The Stranger Song (The Miserable Rich)
    05. Sisters Of Mercy (Liz Green)
    06. So Long Marianne (Bill Callahan)
    07. Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye (Michael Kiwanuka)
    08. Stories Of The Street (The Low Anthem)
    09. Teachers (Cass McCombs)
    10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong (Father John Misty)
    11. Famous Blue Raincoat (Diagrams)
    12. Last Year’s Man (Paper Dollhouse)
    13. Bird On A Wire (Marc Ribot And My Brightest Diamond)
    14. Avalanche (Dan Michaelson)
    15. Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (Scott Matthews)

  • wow!!!

    bestial el streaming q ha dado la BBC1 del directo de los BLACK KEYS…

    alguien lo ha ripeado???

  • Joseph Arthur (artista solista y parte del trío Fistful Of Mercy con Dhani Harrison y Ben Harper) está regalando un disco doble bastante bueno.


    "Please don’t take the method or the freedom of this release to be any judgment on its value. I think it’s top notch, but it’s great to take advantage of what the internet is actually good at - IMMEDIACY. This is the first time I’ve released something while still inhabiting its space, I’m alive in the nowness of it! Join me there or here or here and there."

    "We’ve set this up so you can just have the record. You can donate, pay what you want, or nothing at all. Passing it on, spreading the word, is better than money, but records are hard to make and expensive so if you dig it, Dig in!" - Joseph

    Acá el link a la página para las descargas


  • Peter Broderick - [2012]

    No recuerdo si se había filtrado ya

  • @reh:

    Peter Broderick - [2012]

    No recuerdo si se había filtrado ya

    Se había puesto el link de escucha, pero no el de descargas.

  • @reh:

    Peter Broderick - [2012]

    Muy agradecido. Desde aquí seguimos muy atentamente al joven Broderick.

  • El pajarito saca nuevo disco

    Andrew Bird - Break it Yourself

    Y de paso un V0 del de fun.

  • Gracias Tox.


  • Alog "Unemployed" (Rune Grammofon, 2012)


    Mainstays with Rune Grammofon since their debut ”Red Shift Swing” in 1999, their new album ”Unemployed” finds them on top of their game with what is arguably their finest effort so far. It was recorded in a wide range of spaces and places, from recordings of Haugan and Eide as street musicians in San Francisco while touring, to scavenging old collections of 78-records in the mining town of Bjørnevatn in the far north-eastern part of Norway. From on-the-spot recordings of Sigbjørn Apeland´s legendary collection of vintage harmoniums in the St. Jakobs Church in Bergen, to high-end capture of the unique sounds of Alog´s many custom built instruments in the studios of Notam in Oslo and BEK in Bergen. For a period of three years Alog collected material from all kind of sources, times and situations and made new songs that constantly pushed their creative freedom in unexpected directions. Playful, adventurous, mysterious and exploring, this is 76 minutes of experimental, yet accessible, music of the very finest sort and comes highly recommended.

    muy recomendable si os va el rollo más tranqui-electroacústico de algunos discos de Supersilent por ejemplo

  • Buen disco.

    The Sidekicks - Awkward Breeds (2012)


    The Sidekicks are one of those “punk” bands, I suppose. Their association with them is probably permanent, but to simply just cover them with that label would be tragic. Awkward Breeds is a record like…for folks who like music made by musicians with drums and guitars and human voices and stuff. One of those records thinly disguised as a potentially bland pop-punk/rock album most likely until a very poignant moment on the album.The band is still pushing away from their punk roots and have settled into a sweet spot with these last two full lengths, into a style that isn’t particularly different, but almost impossible to describe or compare. Awkward Breeds is an immediately accessible listen that will then get better with each repeated listen. It’s power pop, it’s alternative punk, it’s whatever, go buy it you weirdos.

  • Creo que hay algún que otro seguidor de este chico que empieza en esto de la música

    Bruce Springsteen - Wrecking Ball


    Y este también puede que guste

    Dirty Three - Toward The Low Sun
    ```No se a que calidad está

  • San Borondón - El Rayo de la Muerte

    Les dejo un disquillo que hemos hecho, por si a alguien le apetece darle una escucha.

  • Fnu Ronnies - Saddle Up (LOAD Records)
    The sound on this record is a murky tunnel of punked out alien sounds with dirty sounds and ideas last talked about at NASA around the time of the last faked moon landing.

  • parece que nodata ya no funciona…
