Filtraciones '12

  • "Irrevocable, Motherfucker"

    Glocca Morra - Just Married (2012)

    90's Emo / Philly Emo / Twinkle Daddies. Similar a Algernon Cadwallader, Snowing…


    There's some line at the beginning of a review of The Dillinger Escape Plan's "Miss Machine" that loosely goes, 'that's it, it's all over, pack your shit, go home. DEP just finished this genre." Sorry for the tangent, but it was the first thing that came to mind at the end of "irrevocable, motherfucker" when the line "I'm not saying that," is being strained over the twinkling guitar and a horn that blend together into essentially everything that twinkly emo over the last four years has been trying to do. So fuck it: twinkle is over. Glocca Morra, with "Just Married," have ended the genre. I say that in the most endearing way possible - this album is perfect. Twinkle gets thrown around like a bad word, I have a feeling Glocca Morra would like to beat me up for seeming to pigeon-hole them as such. I don't mean it in the "twinkle daddy disciple" copycat kind of way. But here, I equate it with that immeasurable, indescribable sense of youthful longing and desire and self-deprecation and frustration, kind of like "youthful saudades." Does anybody know that feeling where you gets chills during every single song on an album? That's this one for me, and I don't remember the last time that happened (maybe with the Colossal LP). It's throaty like GM has always been, note the beginning of "ya'll boots hats" and "why am i not…". But, goodness, listen to how they turn the latter into an anthem in the last 35 seconds as the bass grumbles and the guitar careens in over the blaring vocals. It's fun, because one could easily write about each one of the songs. But there is not one best song here, it's just 31 minutes of pure bliss. This is not midwest emo, a la Castevet or Grown Ups, this is what Philadelphia has always done best: overwrought and emotional music with the best twinge of fun and playful musicality. When we look back years later at our youth, this record will be the best shot at trying to express to our friends and family what we loved about emo music from Philadelphia. As far as I can tell, this record only has a little competition in being an album of the year (Everyone Everywhere's second LP and Hop Along's incredible "Get Disowned" are the only ones that comes to mind). Please buy the shit out of this and play it so loud that your neighbors have to invite themselves in to both berate you and mutually bask in the glory of "Just Married."

  • en mi ordenador misión imposible bajarse algo de rapidgator. yo, un pro-gators de tomo y lomo.
    si alguien puede resubir el de Lost Sound en otro servicio se lo agradecería. zenks

  • Rollo Count your Lucky stars entonces Dan? si es así me interesa mucho, Snowing son la bomba, Moving Mountains, Downsing también, The Reptilian, todos los grupos del sello en general son realmente buenos, que por cierto, no se les da nada de bola por aquí, ya que tal aprovecho para dejar el nuevo de Downsing que se filtró no hace mucho y es realmente bueno.

  • @habel:1htp9yu8:

    en mi ordenador misión imposible bajarse algo de rapidgator. yo, un pro-gators de tomo y lomo.
    si alguien puede resubir el de Lost Sound en otro servicio se lo agradecería. zenks


  • @moldy:2s9fagpt:


    en mi ordenador misión imposible bajarse algo de rapidgator. yo, un pro-gators de tomo y lomo.
    si alguien puede resubir el de Lost Sound en otro servicio se lo agradecería. zenks


    nada, el uploaded no me tira tampoco y el filezpro ha llegado al límite de sus descargas. gracias de todas maneras.

  • @FUN:9wk1oi7x:

    Rollo Count your Lucky stars entonces Dan? si es así me interesa mucho, Snowing son la bomba, Moving Mountains, Downsing también, The Reptilian, todos los grupos del sello en general son realmente buenos, que por cierto, no se les da nada de bola por aquí, ya que tal aprovecho para dejar el nuevo de Downsing que se filtró no hace mucho y es realmente bueno.

    Joder no sabía que te molaba el rollo, de puta maiden, el de Moving Mountains nuevo me dejó un poco frío pero el anterior es un must, te recomiendo a Empire! Empire! I was a Lonely State, y sobretodo "Get Disowned" de Hop Along. Snowing crema.

  • Has anyone seen the DEEP TIME album?

  • Hop Along - Get Disowned (Hot Green, 2012)


    Hype is a funny thing. In the internet age we now live in, it seems more and more that there is no middle ground. Hype is what can make or break a new artist. If delivered on, it can deliver a relative unknown like Laura Stevenson, who already is becoming an indie icon. Then there's the opposite side of the coin; take for instance fun., a band that was beloved for their debut album and are now maligned by many for going with a more mainstream and modern approach on their follow up. The age of instant satisfaction swings on a pendulum, and it swings just as hard both ways.

    Enter 2012 and Get Disowned, the debut album from a reworked lineup of Frances Quinlan's mostly solo Hop Along, Queen Ansleis. Although releasing the buoyant and immensely satisfying Freshman Year in 2006, that album was mostly overlooked by a large number of people until the hype train started rolling on Hop Along. One listen back to Freshman Year, and it's clear that Frances Quinlan is a very unique and talented young artist who was bursting with the potential to make a positive impact in the indie/folk genre. So, two things could happen next: Frances Quinlan could keep doing what she was doing, and become a star in her own right, being highly respected and controlling a devoted fan base. Or, she could cash in on her eccentricities and gain a mainstream audience. Listening to Get Disowned, it's now obvious that an artist as unique and exuberant as Quinlan is going to keep marching to the beat of her own wacky drum.

    Get Disowned is now the next big thing in the indie genre, and it delivers tenfold. Infectious, exhilarating, and eclectic, this is the first truly great album of 2012. Quinlan and her band have a way of making music that moves you in every which way, from gleeful to reflective to just downright amazed. It's not through some overwhelming musical ability or profound interior, but from the experience of getting caught up in all of the sweat and fervor that went into these recordings. There is an unbridled joy and unabashed comfortability in every song on this album that is too immense to ignore, a wave of feeling that washes over the listener. With this album having such a large personality, it's very unlikely that one could listen to Get Disowned and not either love it or hate it.

    It's hard to pick out highlights, as from the moment the album begins to its final moment, it is engaging and exciting. There's the angular and poppy Tibetan Pop Stars, with a vocal performance from Quinlan that is surprisingly bitter, seething in the chorus, and leading to a huge band finish, intstrumentally and vocally. The lilting and softly buzzing Diamond Mine is downright gorgeous, slowly building with little discordant guitar squalls until it morphs into buoyant indie-pop, only to reach another short group sing-along and then Quinlan absolutely tears it up, accompanied by a wailing guitar. No Good Al Joad is catchy freak-folk that leads into soft respites of Quinlan crooning with a lone guitar, and then morphing into foot stomps and handclaps with endearingly off-key vocals, repeating the process until the songs close (sans the foot stomps and handclaps reappearing). Through every quirky and impassioned yelp, every swell of guitar, every euphoric chant feeling communal and every frantic rhythm getting your feet tapping, this is an album to lift you up, with the ability to change your mindset. Through being young and happy and talented, Get Disowned gives us the things that matter most in music: Passion, fun, emotion, and a sense of being a part of something that matters

  • @habel:3aqro0ma:

    en mi ordenador misión imposible bajarse algo de rapidgator. yo, un pro-gators de tomo y lomo.
    si alguien puede resubir el de Lost Sound en otro servicio se lo agradecería. zenks

    Aqui tienes el de Lost Sound en mediafire don habel con h!

  • @Dan:


    Rollo Count your Lucky stars entonces Dan? si es así me interesa mucho, Snowing son la bomba, Moving Mountains, Downsing también, The Reptilian, todos los grupos del sello en general son realmente buenos, que por cierto, no se les da nada de bola por aquí, ya que tal aprovecho para dejar el nuevo de Downsing que se filtró no hace mucho y es realmente bueno.

    Joder no sabía que te molaba el rollo, de puta maiden, el de Moving Mountains nuevo me dejó un poco frío pero el anterior es un must, te recomiendo a Empire! Empire! I was a Lonely State, y sobretodo "Get Disowned" de Hop Along. Snowing crema.

    Me flipa este "nuevo" emo, que recuerda al noventero de los Penfold, SDRE, Cap and Jazz , etc, cada uno con su rollo, como en la época… Empire!Empire son seguramente mi grupo favorito con Dowsing de CYLS, a Hop Along no los controlo, a la lista van y si, Snowing cremón y Benton Falls también

  • @diegogomez:1459ekfx:


    en mi ordenador misión imposible bajarse algo de rapidgator. yo, un pro-gators de tomo y lomo.
    si alguien puede resubir el de Lost Sound en otro servicio se lo agradecería. zenks

    Aqui tienes el de Lost Sound en mediafire don habel con h!

    ese diegorl!! gracias pimpollo

  • @paradoxjon:mpp0g4hr:

    Has anyone seen the DEEP TIME album?

    se puede escuchar aquí: ... in=3voor12

    (anteriormente conocidos como Yellow Fever. fans de Raincoats i Quixotic: es vuestro grupo!)

  • John Maus - A Collection of Rarities and Previously Unreleased Material [2012]

    edit: y otro compi de rarezas

    Lost Sounds - The Lost Lost Demos, Sounds, Alternate Takes & Unused Songs Goner
    Jay Reatard - Alicja trout

  • @bruce_billis:3nq584g8:

    lo traigo calentito!

    frank ocean / channel orange (def jam, 2012) - itunes version (m4a)

    Creo que los de Pitchfork ya tienen su disco del año.

  • @moldy:1m585hqq:


    lo traigo calentito!

    frank ocean / channel orange (def jam, 2012) - itunes version (m4a)

    Creo que los de Pitchfork ya tienen su disco del año.

    Link por si alguno lo busca, el resto está caido

  • @fat:2zo2fis5:

    Link por si alguno lo busca, el resto está caido

    ummm, el que colgué no lo veo caído, pero si tú lo dices…

  • @bruce_billis:1ef5m1g6:


    Link por si alguno lo busca, el resto está caido

    ummm, el que colgué no lo veo caído, pero si tú lo dices…

    Teniendo en cuenta la imagen que pusiste, dudo que haya hecho caso a ese enlace.

  • no hombre, la portada del album… pero bueno, "conociendo" a fat tampoco me extraña, jejeje

  • @moldy:1z8vybl2:



    Link por si alguno lo busca, el resto está caido

    ummm, el que colgué no lo veo caído, pero si tú lo dices…

    Teniendo en cuenta la imagen que pusiste, dudo que haya echo caso a ese enlace.

    Cierto al leer se ha caido el enlace lo he buscado por otros sitios, siento el F&F. Y lo de la imagen de PAquillo es que ni me he molestado ajajajjjaja quién iba a pensar.

  • ¿Qué coño os pasa con el Frank Ocean este? ¿Ha resucitado cristonostrusinyor y no me he enterado?