
  • @bme:2cy51fxv:

    poca esperanzas de algo bueno me da esto

    The Lemonheads cabalgan de nuevo. Billboard ha anunciado que Evan Dando ha vuelto a reunir a su banda para grabar un nuevo álbum, el primero desde Car Button Cloth (96). El grupo es ahora un trío formado por Bill Stevenson en la batería, Karl Alvarez al bajo y el propio Dando.

    Está previsto que el disco salga a la venta a finales de septiembre a través de Vagrant Records y se espera que posteriormente Lemonheads realicen una gira para promocionarlo.

    como?? Bill Stevenson y Karl Alvarez? de los Descendents? de All? joder, que fuerte

  • @Rumsas:3jogtwyx:

    Lo que no sé es por qué no lo saca a su nombre, estos dos tíos dudo que tengan mucho que decir


    como?? Bill Stevenson y Karl Alvarez? de los Descendents? de All? joder, que fuerte

    ah, pues entonces igual sí que tienen algo que decir
    (rumsas, listo, entérate antes de abrir la boca)

  • The Divine Comedy publicarán el 19 de junio su nuevo trabajo, que llevará por título Victory for the Cosmic Mouse, que fue grabado en vivo durante dos semanas a finales del pasado año

  • @e7ili:1u2byfkb:

    ROBIN GUTHRIE y HAROLD BUDD vuelven a colaborar. ROBIN tiene un weblog que actualiza diariamente y en el que cuenta cómo va la grabación del disco.

    Gracias por la info. Seguiremos el culebrón, aunque parece que anoche Robin Guthrie no tenía las ideas muy claras…

    Por cierto, Harold Budd editó hace unos meses una maravilla de LP para el sello de David Sylvian. Creo que es el disco que más he sobado este año: perfecto como acompañamiento estudiantil, te avade hacia la intimidad y te abre las neuronas de par en par.

  • @bme:1igsz0kd:

    The Divine Comedy publicarán el 19 de junio su nuevo trabajo, que llevará por título Victory for the Cosmic Mouse, que fue grabado en vivo durante dos semanas a finales del pasado año

    De este si que tengo muchas gans, sobretodo despues de la gran recuperación que experimento el amigo Neil en el "absent friends"

  • Sabia que Budd se habia vuelto aponer las pilas peron o sabia que la cosa ya estaba en la calle. Ya esta encargado al estabo. Gracias, Korko.

  • Pitckfork anuncia que van a ser reeditados los álbumes de Jesus & Mary Chain. Los discos serán lanzados a mediados de julio y ofrecen como atractivo especial que serán editados en formato dual disc, con los temas originales remasterizados en la parte del CD y en la parte del DVD distintos videoclips.

    Los temas que se incluyen son:


    “Just Like Honey”
    “The Living Dead”
    “Taste the Floor”
    “The Hardest Walk”
    “Cut Dead”
    “In a Hole”
    “Taste of Cindy”
    “Never Understand”
    “Inside Me”
    “Sowing Seeds”
    “My Little Underground”
    “You Trip Me Up”
    “Something's Wrong”
    “It's So Hard”

    “Just like Honey”
    “Never Understand”
    “You Trip Me Up”


    “Deep One Perfect Morning”
    “Happy When It Rains”
    “Down on Me”
    “Nine Million Rainy Days”
    “April Skies”
    “Cherry Came Too”
    “On the Wall”
    “About You”

    “Happy When It Rains”
    “April Skies”


    “Here Comes Alice”
    “Coast to Coast”
    “Blues From a Gun”
    “Between Planets”
    “UV Ray”
    “Her Way of Praying”
    “Head On”
    “Take It”
    “Halfway to Crazy”
    “Gimme Hell”

    “Blues From a Gun”
    “Her Way of Praying”
    “Head On”

    Honey's Dead
    “Teenage Lust”
    “Far Gone and Out”
    “Almost Gold”
    “Sugar Ray”
    “Good for My Soul”
    “I Can't Get Enough”

    “Far Gone and Out”
    “Almost Gold”

    Stoned & Dethroned
    “Dirty Water”
    “Bullet Lovers”
    “Sometimes Always”
    “Come On”
    “Between Us”
    “Never Saw It Coming”
    “Wish I Could”
    “Save Me”
    “Till It Shines”
    “God Help Me”
    “Everybody I Know”
    “You've Been A Friend”
    “These Days”
    “Feeling Lucky”

    “Sometimes Always”
    “Come On”

  • Hostia qué bueno… a por ellos (sobre todo los 3 primeros)

  • ¿bueno? Mas bien diria genial. Era muy necesaria una reedición de la obra de Jesus & Mary Chain. A ver de donde saco yo ahora el dinero.

  • pues a mí me toca los huevos
    si ya tienes los discos, qué haces? te jodes y aflojas la pasta por 3 videoclips y un package chulo? te jodes y te quedas con tus discos viejos sin remasterizar?

    Edito: y ya que se ponen, que saquen todo, no? Barbedwire kisses es un pasote, y bueno, munki y ese otro de caras b's son flojetes, pero así ya está la colección completa.
    He leído la noticia en Pitchfork y lo que sí me hace ilusión es lo de Jim Reid. Freeheat al PS'07

  • Wilco

    We're doing a fun (hopefully) photo contest. The rules are, typically, kinda loose. We're asking you to email us photos of you and/or yours on your summer travels…the catch being that you should be wearing or holding something Wilco related. So whether it's a photo of you holding a cd while you ride a train through the Alps or a shot of you in your backyard bbq-ing in a Wilco shirt, send it in. The winners, based on creativity, cool location, overall style or whatever else we feel like basing them on, will be announced throughout the summer. And the photos we like will all be posted on the site. Winners will recieve a personalized autographed poster and a grand prize winner two tickets to a summer show of his/ her choice. So get to work and send photos to, please do not send anything over 1MB in size.

    Por cierto, en verano vuelven al estudio.

  • Scott Walker

    7 años después, Scott Walker vuelve con nuevo disco.

    1er CD y debut en LIVERPOOL
    FLOR Y NATA RECORDS presenta en esta ocasión el debut de los almerienses THE SHAKE que van a sorprender a más de uno con su disco TRIPPIN' THE WHOLE COLOURFUL WORLD repleto de sonidos que rememoran lo mejor de los 60.
    No es facil destacar alguna de sus 14 canciones, pero te podemos sugerir: "Can´t fight your loving”, “She´s my girl”, “Oh no!” o “Something real”.
    Pero si espectacular ya es de por si este disco, mucho más se puede decir de su presentación, que tendrá lugar en una de las catedrales del pop mundial…..
    Ni más ni menos que en la legendaria THE CAVERN de Liverpool los dias 26 y 27 de mayo dentro del 4º International Pop Overthrow Festival.

  • SURFIN' BICHOS portada del Rockdelux de Mayo, y con unas fotos muy chulas nuevas que se han hecho

  • Meat Puppets se reúnen para grabar un nuevo álbum

    Hombre, no he seguido mucho su carrera más que en sus inicios, no sé que tal estarán sus últimos trabajos (datan de finales de los 90 creo), pero son los autores de Meat Puppets II, uno de mis discos favoritos del que ya hablé hace tiempo por aquí. Permaneceremos atentos.

  • Today's Bizarro Casting News: WHO Wants to Play Janis?

    Documenter of badass music (The Decline of Western Civilization)/totally mainstream filmmaker (Wayne's World) Penelope Spheeris is looking to merge both of her worlds with Gospel According to Janis, a film she co-wrote and is directing about a newly discovered, singing apostle called Janis. Ok, that's a lie, and a really bad one at that. It's actually about Janis Joplin, specifically her life between her move to California as a 19-year-old and her death, eight years later.

    Currently trying to cast her star, Spheeris is meeting with a dizzying, often troubling array of ladies for the role. According to the British press, among those she's seen are Zooey Deschanel (breathe, fanboys), Lindsay Lohan, and Pink; in addition she hopes to meet with Scarlett Johansson in the near future, and Britney Spears is reportedly interested in the role. YIKES! Talk about a minefield. I'm going to try to control myself here and not rip into La Lohan and Miss Scarlett (Can some man please explain her appeal to me, by the way? Sexiest woman in the world? What?!) - instead, I'll just say that I'm glad Spheeris, by all appearances, is avoiding Spears like the plague. In addition (if the press reports are to be believed), the director says Pink, who rocks, is her first choice, and is likely to be kept out of the project only by scheduling conflicts - so, if all goes well, we just might be saved from watching some scrawny little girl try to play Joplin.

    Para mear y no echar gota, vamos. Merecedor del post museo kitsch, o incluso para inaugurar un nuevo tópic que tenga por título 'esperpéntico' o algo parecido.

  • @pumpkin:19nvgeil:

    Meat Puppets se reúnen para grabar un nuevo álbum

    Hombre, no he seguido mucho su carrera más que en sus inicios, no sé que tal estarán sus últimos trabajos (datan de finales de los 90 creo), pero son los autores de Meat Puppets II, uno de mis discos favoritos del que ya hablé hace tiempo por aquí. Permaneceremos atentos.

    Buena noticia pero q sea para recuperar sus inicios.
    Sólo dispongo de No Joke de 1995 en original y no me acaba de convencer. A ver si me quedo
    Up On The Sun de 1985 o un Mirage de 1987 que creo q ya tardo.

  • @Gallo:

    Today's Bizarro Casting News: WHO Wants to Play Janis?….
    Para mear y no echar gota, vamos. Merecedor del post museo kitsch, o incluso para inaugurar un nuevo tópic que tenga por título 'esperpéntico' o algo parecido.

    ..esto ya lo puse yo y no sé si aquí,en el de la gamba o en el del museo kitsch

    ...sigamos con lads biopics absurdas

    Micheal Hutchence Biopic

    It looks like a film about the life of Micheal Hutchence is in the making and there is already a controversy about it because the family and band members haven't been informed and consulted beforehand. Some of the actors being considered for the lead are Johnny Depp, Hayden Christensen, and Eric Bana.

    The Sunday Times, April 23, 2006

    Hutchence film of excess angers singer's family

    A PLAN to make a film of the life of Michael Hutchence, the rock star who killed himself in 1997, has run into strong opposition from his family.
    Nick Egan, a British film director and friend of the INXS frontman, is looking for actors to play the roles of the singer, as well as the late Paula Yates, his girlfriend, and Bob Geldof.

    The last years of Hutchence’s troubled life were made worse by Yates’s fierce battle with Geldof, her former husband, for custody of their children. Hutchence, an Australian, hanged himself in a Sydney hotel room in 1997 at the age of 37.
    A spokesman for INXS said that none of the current band members (who have reformed with a new frontman) had been contacted about the making of the film.
    Hutchence’s mother, brother and sister are angry at not being consulted.
    “No one has ever made any contact with us about doing a film,” said Patricia Glassop, who co-wrote a book on her son’s life.
    “Are they going to look at his younger days growing up? How would they know anything about that when they weren’t there?” she asked. “I would be interested to know who they are going to cast, and who would play me.”
    Among the actors Egan is considering for the role of Hutchence are Johnny Depp, Hayden Christensen, Eric Bana and a little-known singer-actor from Australia called Michael Piccirilli.
    Egan, director of the yet to be released Red Light Runners, about petty gangsters, starring Harvey Keitel and Vinnie Jones, is better known as a rock video director. He has also designed album covers, including the multi-platinum INXS album Kick.
    The new biopic is due to go into pre-production in the next three months and is scheduled for release next year.
    Egan described his friend as “no saint”, adding: “Michael was experimental and hedonistic — that did involve the use of drugs. There were moments of absolute out-of-control narcissism, and other times of pure calm, when he wrote his songs.”
    Hutchence’s string of girlfriends included the singer Kylie Minogue and supermodel Helena Christensen.
    The film’s producers say they are planning to contact both the family and the band at a later stage.

    Micheal Hutchence:

    Johnny Depp, 42:

    Hayden Christensen, 25:

    Eric Bana, 37:

    Michael Piccirilli, 34:

    Moss hits Hollywood as Yates

    Sunday, 30 Apr 2006 15:15

    Kate Moss is set to star in her first Hollywood film, taking on the role of drug addict Paula Yates.

    Model Kate, 32, will play Paula in the run-up to her tragic death, according to the Daily Star.

    And Kate's ex-lover Johnny Depp, 42, is reportedly taking on the role of Paula's boyfriend Michael Hutchence.

    Film bosses are convinced that the chemistry between Depp and Moss will attract many people to see the movie.

    An insider told the newspaper: "It’ll be a chance for her to really prove she can act. And she’ll be spending a lot of time with Johnny again.

    "It could work beautifully or be a disaster, but producers want a powerful leading couple."

    Kate has made an amazing modelling comeback after allegations of cocaine abuse last year.

    Her alter-ego Paula Yates, who was once married to Bob Geldof, led a troubled life which ended six years ago when she died of a heroin overdose aged 41.

    Friends said she had never been able to get over the death of rock star Michael Hutchence, who killed himself in Sydney in 1997.

    "Paula and Michael were both big drug users and lived a tortured existence," the insider added.

  • Leonard Cohen Celebrated in New Film

    Mel Gibson is a bigger Leonard Cohen fan than you are. Yup, Mel Gibson is such a big Leonard Cohen fan that he executive produced a movie about him: Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man, due in theaters June 21. What have you done for Leonard Cohen lately, huh?

    Part documentary and part concert film, I'm Your Man centers around a January 2005 Australian tribute concert, "Came So Far for Beauty", organized by producer Hal Willner and featuring performances by Antony, Nick Cave, Jarvis Cocker, Rufus Wainwright, Kate & Anna McGarrigle, Martha Wainwright, Beth Orton, Linda Thompson, Teddy Thompson, the Handsome Family, Julie Christensen, and Perla Battala. Cohen himself performs "Tower of Song" with U2.

    The movie also includes behind-the-scenes action and interviews in which "Cohen himself reveals his trademark wry humor and soulful intensity, using his own artwork, poetry and personal collection of photographs to reflect upon his colorful past and his creative process," according to a press release.

    I'm Your Man was directed by Lian Lunson, whose previous claims to fame include a PBS documentary about Willie Nelson and work on the companion CD to The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson's other movie about a Jew with a fanatical cult following.

    The trailer can be viewed here

    In related news, Cohen protégé / backup singer Anjani Thomas will release her album Blue Alert on May 2 in Canada and May 23 in America. Cohen both produced and is featured on the album. soporto a Mel Gibson

  • ..ahora no encuentro el post dónde se hablaba de Patrick Wolf así que os dejo la newsletter de Abril aquí

    clica foto para engrandecer

    April Letter from Patrick 2006

    • In absence of the main website being in order, Patrick's letter is posted here on myspace this month *

    To all beautiful ugly and brave across the planet Earth.

    Thank you so much for your generous words of concern or support that were related to me during my recent spring dramas. I want you all to know that damn blue moon is going down and the sun is creeping back out and hence slowly but surely the wolf machine is creaking back into it's forward motion.

    I realised it had been a while since my last letter and I havent wanted to do any interviews while I was working on my album, but still feel there is so much I want to get off my chest. I apologise that the small july U.K tour got cancelled, I would normally do a show even if I had just lost all my limbs an hour before going on stage but I really wanted the record finished so I could focus on the performance when It came time.

    I wont bore you with the intricate natural grit un-superhuman elements of my human body but want you all to know I am one small step away from getting back and finishing The Magic Position. Like all my records so far, the beast tends to change its shape right up until the final hour of mastering and through many different mediums both my body and spirit was telling me the bun wasnt quite yet cooked in the oven, so to speak. Certain physical alarm bells had been ringing for a while that I had stupidly tried to ignore and then less than a week away from mastering the fate put its foot down. I just couldn't go any further with the record and devote the time needed to excetute the sometimes lengthy process of finishing. Also domesticity had been perhaps slightly under fire too so I am moving house now for what seems like the four hundredth time in the last ten years and have found myself a place in a quiet tower next to two huge forests and a museum full of old skellingtons, taxidermy and strangely enough, moog synthesizers. Im going to be very happy there, I have an old grand piano left to me by a lovely Russian pianist and a view over London to look at it's weathers and fireworks explode. This is where I will be putting the final touches to my third album in good health and spirits. For the first time since sixteen years old I am going to have a washing machine too which I am very excited about. I will listen to Mrs Bartolozzi by KTBush at full volume while cleaning my sheets in celebration of not having to sit in a laundrette with a deafening army of naughty children singing along to The Pussy Dolls on their mobile phones.

    I hope the spring is slowly working its lightness on your life, last week, after a night of smashing plates and slamming gates I got on a train, bought a big ghetto blaster from a dusty one man electrical shop, bought some bread, wine and stinking cheese and got down to some good proper Rimbaud behaviour to explore some empty abandoned woodland, I found a ruined castle and then my new home that day, it seems like the last four years have been so full of hundred mile an hour adventures and dramatic accidents that suddenly, detached from all communication to the busy world, I realised perhaps by mistake I had forgotten what it was to be a mammal for a moment. Dangerous. I am hoping now the new record will be ready for release in late summer, maybe early autumn. Once I have moved to my new home in the next couple of weeks I will set up my studio and start cracking that whip on this magic position record. I must admit, I feel it is by far the most ambitious piece of work I have attempted. I thought Lycanthropy was a trouble child to work with but it seems now Im cooking this current dinner with at least a hundred more ingredients. Its all very exciting but I can't deny its not draining sometimes and so far my rule is never to release even a b-side unless I feel its something I feel I will not want to change until im seventy. Lyrically too I feel I am exposing many new sides of myself that I have not put on display before which is of course quite an exhilarating process but sometimes terrifying when you produce alone like I do. This record is like a musical retelling of one year in my life, it is not at all a less personal record than before, it is actually, to me, quite the opposite of such a thing, I have tried once or twice but failed miserably to write outside of my own experience. It is to me a full spectrum of my emotional peaks and troughs over a year. So if you want, please bear with me and I hope you enjoy all your summers until the thing is finished and ready to make its way into your homes.

    Its been since the Scala show last Halloween in London that I have been on my third music mission. I now have, at last after releasing my first record in 2002 on a tiny label found what I think are the most amazing family of people at Loog and Polydor records working with me, I think we are all very excited about working together over the coming years and are ready to really make some proper magic happen in the ever so slightly monotonous world of current popular music.

    This week I am making a visit back to Cork, Ireland where half of my family roots lie for my lovely Aunties wedding who is such a strong and beautiful lady and so deserved of this happy event. My sister and I have been asked to sing a song called Heroes by David Bowie at the reception although I have only ever listened to the Nico version of this song before but have a feeling there would be a few too many confused faces over wedding cake if I paid tribute to the great N herself at the wedding, or perhaps not? I am very tempted but the last wedding for my Irish family I had to play the church organ but wasnt given any music so improvised chapel of love with Jo my sister as my lovely cousin walked down the isle. After, outside the church, we were told by a mean old lady that I ruined the wedding… so Im trying to take precautions this time that sort of event doesnt take place again.

    Every time the month of April comes around I start thinking about my hero Prince April. I started writing a book about him, and an accompanying soundtrack of songs a few summers ago and it was originally intended to be my third album. But I have learnt that it is a project that will finish itself over perhaps a longer period of time. In the book, around this time of this month April discovers there is a world outside of the house he has been held captive in since he was born. He finally finds the key to his whitewashed windows, open and climbs down the ivy at his window, down into a beautiful spring garden, feels the sun warm on his skin for the first time in his life. One day I will share the whole story with you, but for now he is the one leading me onwards and upwards so that hopefully now I can somehow attempt to do the same for you.

    Signing off from this wide world web at too late at night
    and too early the morning.

    love until the next time,
    x Yours.. Patrick Wolf x

    …y hay una nueva canción en su myspace titulada 'The Night Train'.