
  • news from stereolab

    The new LP is finished and announcements will be made soon.

  • Sebadoh Reissues Bubble and Scrap, Set Tour
    by staff | 04.09.2008

    Veteran indie rockers, Sebadoh are on the verge of re-releasing their epic 1993 album, Bubble and Scrape on Jun 12. The reissue, out via Domino, will feature15 bonus tracks (including B-Sides, rarity and unreleased material).

    Bubble and Scrape reissue:
    Soul and Fire
    Two Years Two Days
    Telecosmic Alchemy
    Fantastic Disaster
    Happily Divided
    Sacred Attention
    Elixir Is Zog
    Emma Get Wild
    Forced Love
    No Way Out
    Bouquet for a Siren
    Think (Let Tomorrow Bee)
    Bouquet for a Siren
    Old Daze
    Part 1 - Lou
    Part 2 - Eric
    Part 3 - Eric
    Part 4 - Jason
    Happily Divided
    Soul and Fire (Acoustic Demo)


    Sonic Youth appear on a song by Flamenco legend Enrique Morente titled 'Oriente y Occidente.
    ' The song is being released on www. morenteomega. com April 20.

  • @Moz:2luxp0ag:


    Sonic Youth appear on a song by Flamenco legend Enrique Morente titled 'Oriente y Occidente.
    ' The song is being released on www. morenteomega. com April 20.

  • @tethor:ymxzeep2:



    Sonic Youth appear on a song by Flamenco legend Enrique Morente titled 'Oriente y Occidente.
    ' The song is being released on www. morenteomega. com April 20.

    No te digo na y te lo digo to.

  • @Harry_Powell:2v5y5qjg:




    Sonic Youth appear on a song by Flamenco legend Enrique Morente titled 'Oriente y Occidente.
    ' The song is being released on www. morenteomega. com April 20.

    No te digo na y te lo digo to.

  • @wolfcatala:2u8k45az:





    Sonic Youth appear on a song by Flamenco legend Enrique Morente titled 'Oriente y Occidente.
    ' The song is being released on www. morenteomega. com April 20.

    No te digo na y te lo digo to.

  • Mamá, tengo miedo.

  • No jugueis con los sentimientos de las personas. Van al FIB, lo sabemos todos hace tiempo. A no ser que ahora el cefalópodo se retracte.

  • @Pekh:4uxgr4es:

    No jugueis con los sentimientos de las personas. Van al FIB, lo sabemos todos hace tiempo. A no ser que ahora el cefalópodo se retracte.

    ¿Se retracte de qué? Que vayan al FIB, creo yo, no excluye automaticamente otras opciones.

    De todas maneras, en breve saldremos de dudas.

  • @pulpo:342qik8c:


    No jugueis con los sentimientos de las personas. Van al FIB, lo sabemos todos hace tiempo. A no ser que ahora el cefalópodo se retracte.

    ¿Se retracte de qué? Que vayan al FIB, creo yo, no excluye automaticamente otras opciones.

    De todas maneras, en breve saldremos de dudas.

    podría tratarse de la conspiración judeomasonica cacareada por chumbito no?

  • Ojalá estés en lo cierto. Esperaremos a que salgan las revistas de mayo o se filtre el nombre de marras que falta.

    (igual era lo que tenian para el domingo y que al final no pudo ser)

  • @Pekh:zj81ggml:

    (igual era lo que tenian para el domingo y que al final no pudo ser)

    Pues vaya plan entonces. Esas cosas hay que hacerlas sí o sí.

  • ui, ui, ui…

  • Artículo aparecido hoy en AVUI sobre la fiebre festivalera:

    Declaraciones de Jordi Martí, Delegat de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona:

    "Estem passant d'una situació en què la música en viu era gairebé la promoció del disc a un escenari de mercat absolutament diferent"

    Hi ha prou públic per a tants festivals? ¿Seran tots capaços de tirar endavant? Jordi Martí augura que no, "que és poc previsible que el fenomen que tenim avui s'acabi consolidant"

    Segons Martí, a més, entre tota aquesta oferta s'ha de diferenciar "els festivals que no només posen un concert al costat de l'altre sinó que volen explicar alguna cosa més i volen desvetllar noves tendències musicals, com el cas del Primavera Sound, que fa una aposta per la música independent"

    segons Jordi Martí, no seria bo que l'Ajuntament regulés el nombre de festivals que es fan a Barcelona; el que sí que s'ha de fer és "apostar pels festivals que són de referència, això vol dir que hi ha determinats festivals al món en què si un artista aconsegueix actuar la seva carrera fa un salt"

  • nueva canción de Wolf Parade, anticipo del nuevo disco

    wolf parade - california dreamer

    a mi me convence, tras un par de escuchas
    a ver si se filtra pronto

    edit: la calidad no es de relamerse aviso

  • Tendremos un Dj Kicks de Burial!


    Always a good time for some Burial news. !K7 Records has announced that the enigmatic dubstep producer is up next in their generally stellar DJ-Kicks series. According to the label: "We hear whisperings from the studio that he may treat his dearest dubstep, techno and even r'n'b tracks with his unique production style before mixing them with exclusive material…" Should be absolutely huge. Burial's DJ-Kicks installment drops June 23 (July 8 in the U.S.).

  • A quien pueda interesar:

    Hello everyone. Lots going on…

    Some of you may have heard a new Nine Inch Nails track on your radio today. You will be able to download your own copy of the track right here later tonight for free - stop back in a few hours.

    What else is going on? Hmmn. We're considering a real-time live webcast of me signing 2,500 copies of the just-arrived, super-ultra-mega-deluxe GHOSTS edition all day Thursday. These really turned out great and I can't wait to sign EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

    We have some tour info coming... SOON (I know you love that word) as well as some other info about something else, too.


    FMQB":1zql18ud]Trent Reznor has done it again. Nine Inch Nails has released a new single, "Discipline," exclusively to radio this afternoon. The song was just finished and mastered in the studio yesterday, with a 24-hour turnaround to radio. The band will also allow radio stations to link online to an exclusive download of the song, as no one else will be licensed to release it for a few months. The band also promises "more news tomorrow," and Reznor posted yesterday on, cryptically saying "2 weeks!" and nothing more.


  • El horror se confirma:

  • @locutus:29z45y3w:

    A quien pueda interesar:

    Hello everyone. Lots going on…

    Some of you may have heard a new Nine Inch Nails track on your radio today. You will be able to download your own copy of the track right here later tonight for free - stop back in a few hours.

    What else is going on? Hmmn. We're considering a real-time live webcast of me signing 2,500 copies of the just-arrived, super-ultra-mega-deluxe GHOSTS edition all day Thursday. These really turned out great and I can't wait to sign EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

    We have some tour info coming... SOON (I know you love that word) as well as some other info about something else, too.


    FMQB":29z45y3w]Trent Reznor has done it again. Nine Inch Nails has released a new single, "Discipline," exclusively to radio this afternoon. The song was just finished and mastered in the studio yesterday, with a 24-hour turnaround to radio. The band will also allow radio stations to link online to an exclusive download of the song, as no one else will be licensed to release it for a few months. The band also promises "more news tomorrow," and Reznor posted yesterday on, cryptically saying "2 weeks!" and nothing more.


    Madre mia que nerviosismo, sera un nuevo disco, sera que la formacion original de NIN se reune????
    A esperar dos semanas….