Dröner Kebab
El de Tim Hecker está tremendo.
Dejo otra joyita del sello Miasmah. Ultimamente cada cosa que sacan es una maravilla desasosegante.
Juv - Juv
Y el de Deaf Center tampoco desmerece.
chatos, un re up del de Hecker? gracias!
aquí manel:
aun no lo he escuchado, a ver si pillo un momento bueno
Jackster, este va dedicado a ti, jejeje.
Wolf Eyes - No Matter
Y otro disco que se comenta que está bien.
Gog - Heavy Fierce Brightness Lp
Tema de adelanto del nuevo LP de Belong en el Soundcloud de Kranky y no suena a nada que hayan hecho antes. De hecho, lo primero que me ha venido a la mente ha sido Soft Moon. Joder! si hasta cantan!!
Bueno, quizá me he dejado llevar por la sorpresa. Las capas de ruido blanco siguen ahí, pero el
tufoolor a joy division no se lo quita nadie.
uys, que bien, el de Tim Hacker, me habéis alegrado el mes, a ver si vuelve la lluvia para escucharlo como es debido.
Lo último como disco que han sacado es el Live Edits: Italy & Switzerland de 2008
Hombre, el Guetto Beats son palabras mayores… Mira, me voy a escuchar el bolo del Tanned Tin 2007...
Jackster! Podráis colgar el bolo de Tarentel del Tanned tin?
me dejó con los huevos en el suelo aquel concert…
Por cierto, el disco de Earth muy, muy bueno.
No soy Jackster, pero creo que te servirá:
Peaking Lights - 936 [Not Not Fun, 2011]
Sometimes it feels so simple: two of our favorite people in one of our favorite bands release one of our favorite records of all time. 2009’s Imaginary Falcons was its own genius slushpile of tape-hissy drift-dub haze anthems, no question, but 936 takes every facet of the Peaking Lights mighty diamond and shines it to fluorescent perfection. The songwriting is insane; “All The Sun That Shines,” “Amazing & Wonderful,” “Tiger Eyes (Laid Back),” etc, all seep into yr mindstream and float there like melodic gold dust. Indra Dunis’ silky soul-jazz keys and tranced vocals have never sounded so exquisite, and Aaron Coyes busts out the best bass/drum loops and sneaky dub guitar of his musical lifetime. Recorded by Luke Tweedy at Flat Black Studios in Iowa City (where both the NNF Wet Hair LPs were tracked) and mastered in Berlin, 936 retains the cool crate-digger grit of their earlier highlights, but within a much more vivid spectrum of sound. Could not be more jazzed and honored to unveil this total groove-wave classic. Black vinyl LPs in jackets with vintage art by the band. Edition of 600.
el imaginary falcons me gusto mucho en su momento, a ver este que tal
a mi me ha parecido una pasada el disco este, menos lo fi que el anterior y se han tirado al dub que da gusto
me refiero al de peaking lights que ha puesto zackhill
julianna barwick - the magic place (asthmatic kitty, 2011)
http://www.mediafire.com/?8rcu1aa9339fol8 ```@frp4qxuq: > NYC singer Julianna Barwick is a master of vocal layering, a technique in which she builds complex, ethereal tunes by interweaving recorded loops of her own voice. The resulting symphony of vocals is otherworldly and transcendental, containing both the beauty and purity of spirit of a children’s choir as well as the abstract structural designs of forward thinking composers like Sigur Ros (or Glass or Eno before them). Call it sublime, angelic, majestic – whatever adjective you find most poignant, chances are it somehow implies Barwick’s ability to create music that seems divinely inspired. > > After teasing us with the short quaff of ambrosia that was last year’s Florine EP, Barwick will release full length debut The Magic Place this Winter. And while Magic only contains three more tracks than Florine, each one averages nearly five minutes long. And in the space of such lengthy tracks Barwick deftly navigates the heavenly heights without the aid of musical instruments other than her voice (and in few instances spare piano and guitar). As a whole, The Magic Place is as fully resplendent as its predecessor. And in parts, surprisingly, the songs stand up on their own as well. Where Barwick’s self imposed limitations could have have easily resulted in a monotonous listen, the nine tracks of The Magic Place contain enough uniqueness to keep them distinct. > > Bar wick displays repetitive cadences of low/high vocals that sound somewhat African inspired in tracks like ‘Envelop,” and titular “Magic Place.” Other tracks are harder to place, with piano and guitar accompanied “Bob in Your Gait” taking on a dream-pop lilt or “Keep Up The Good Work,” and “Cloak,” which both convey a Northern European sense of cold sobriety. And “White Flag” seems a bit like all of the above – it’s an ebullient orchestration packed to the brim with rich vocal strands of all colors and stripes. Bar wick touches on minimalism as well as its opposite, often in the space of a single tune, and throughout her simply astonishing vocal range never betrays her aspirations. > > Quite frankly, next to The Magic Place’s soul-wrenching melodies and the implicit talent behind their orchestration, most other music simply seems trite and unambitious. Though the critics have yet to weigh in on The Magic Place’s technical dissection, this listener for one has already been willingly swept of his feet. > > — Jon Behm estilo: ambient / vocal layering [http://asthmatickitty.com/the-magic-place](frp4qxuq)
la nueva Grouper no? llevo ya bastantes días escuchandolo. tiene momentos maravillosos, pero quizás peca demasiado de repetir la misma fórmula siempre, si fuera un poquitín mas variado le quedaría un disco genial.
Más o menos de acuerdo contigo Melt, pero de momento no me canso de escucharlo. Tiene un par de temazos como Pricewinning o Envelop que me gustan mucho. A ver que tal aguanta el ritmo de escuchas.
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma girará por europa junto a Barn Owl. muchas fechas, pero ninguna en españa.
Barn Owl & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
23.04.2011 Karlsruhe (DE) Dudefest (No JC-L)
24.04.2011 Darmstadt (DE) Oetinger Villa
26.04.2011 London (UK) CAMP Basement
27.04.2011 Bristol (UK) The Cube
28.04.2011 Dublin (IE) The Joinery
29.04.2011 Belfast (UK) The Barge
30.04.2011 Glasgow (UK) Captain’s Rest
01.05.2011 Manchester (UK) Sounds From.. w/ Richard Youngs
02.05.2011 Brighton (UK) The Hope
03.05.2011 Antwerpen (BE) Scheldapen
04.05.2011 Kortrijk (BE) De Kreun
05.05.2011 Tilburg (NL) Incubated w/ Moon Duo
06.05.2011 Nuernberg (DE) K4
07.05.2011 Krems (AT) Donaufestival (No JC-L)
09.05.2011 Prague (CZ) K4
10.05.2011 Hamburg (DE) Hafenklang
11.05.2011 Aarhus (DK) Atlas
12.05.2011 Copenhagen (DK) Huset i Magstrade
13.05.2011 Berlin (DE) Levee w/ Aidan Baker
14.05.2011 Bielefeld (DE) AJZ
15.05.2011 Dordrecht (NL) [F]luister @ CBK w/ Mountains
16.05.2011 Amsterdam (NL) OT301
17.05.2011 Bochum (DE) Christuskirche
18.05.2011 Paris (FR) Mains D’oeuvres w/ Stephen O’Malley
19.05.2011 Cholet (FR) Espace St. Louis
20.05.2011 Toulouse (FR) Explora-Sons @ Théâtre Garonne
21.05.2011 Lyon (FR) Sonic
la nueva Grouper no? llevo ya bastantes días escuchandolo. tiene momentos maravillosos, pero quizás peca demasiado de repetir la misma fórmula siempre, si fuera un poquitín mas variado le quedaría un disco genial.
Larga vida a Liz Harris. Yo creo que Julianna Barwick es justo lo opuesto a ella aún compartiendo corte ambiental. Con Julianna son ecos de paz y sosiego mientras que Liz Harris es un alma oscura viajando al interior de una cueva…
¡Gracias por el disco Bruce!
IGNATZ. I Hate This City
Conspiracy, 2011 | Folk drone, LO-FI@19dptgek:
Devens finds a perfect way to use the lo-fi recording and purposeful imperfections in order to sound direct. An album with the mysterious quality that serves it so well, and while Devens’ songwriting isn’t that of a mediocre modern-day bluesman, it’s the sum of its parts that makes this noteworthy. Devens stops to pick things up along the way, and purposefully drags the whole mess through the mud on more than one occasion.
With many artists, such an aesthetic might feel put on, but in Ignatz’s case it seems an appropriate addition to his Belgian blues. – Dusted magazine -“Space folk drone, a blend of buzzing lo-fi murk, and Folkways style folk guitar. Fahey meets Uton, or James Blackshaw recording with Starving Weirdos, a stumbling buzz infused sprawl as spacious as it is clattery and chaotic. Beneath the drone and ambience there is always a blues element to Ignatz…” – Aquarius -
01 When The Fall Is All That Is Left
02 The Vaulted Chamber
03NAt Night She Saw Her Son
04 The Quiet Woman
05 Red River
06 Dance For Two Hundred (Or A Drink)
07 "I Hate This City" Boogie
08 Back In The Seat
09 Streets & Cars
10 Asheshttp://www.mediafire.com/?4ztcyfytl9jx8pi
jim o'rourke & christoph heemann - plastic palace people vol.1 (dragcity, 2011)
http://www.mediafire.com/?11yvccgr6zw0v1b ```@26kvrluc: > A bottled history of Jim and Christoph's musical kinship, bending backwards from now all the way back to 1991\. A mix of granular synthesis and concrete sounds, drawing from a wide-range of of interests and backgrounds, reshaped and reassembled after all these years. Volume two is scheduled for 2020 - ?! [http://www.dragcity.com/products/plastic-palace-people-vol-1](26kvrluc) –--------------------------------------------------------------------- **boris with merzbow - klatter** (daymare, 2011) 
> "Klatter" is the sixth collaborative release between Merzbow (Japanese noise musician Masami Akita) and Japanese experimental doom band Boris, released on the Japanese label Daymare Recordings in 2011. > > It was originally planned for release on Troubleman Unlimited in 2007 under the unconfirmed title Mellow Peak, but for unknown reasons it did not happened. > > The album features re-recorded versions of "Naki Kyoku" and "Akuma no Uta" from Akuma no Uta (2003). It is limited to one pressing of 1,000 copies and will not be repressed. There will be no CD or digital download version. [http://www.diwproducts.com/prd.php?DYMV997](26kvrluc)